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纪念碑上有年深日久的痕迹。The monument bears the mark of age.

那面红旗因年深日久而褪色了。The colour of the red flag has been dulled by age.

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年深日久,他恶毒的文字开始让读者生厌。As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers.

年深日久,台阶已被人们的脚磨损。The steps have been worn down over the years by all those passing feet.

河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。The bar was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time.

他正当年壮,久经沙场,但是却带有他的家族那种年深日久、代代相传的傲慢习气。He was mature in years and tried in wars, but had the old, inbred arrogance of his family.

他们对自由的渴望,原本根深蒂固,却在年深日久的妥协中,被晾在一旁。The deeply anchored craving for freedom is pushed aside in the daily routine of compromises.

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在当今世界上,宗教问题年深日久,女权意识与日俱增。同时把“伊斯兰教”与“妇女”这两个关键词置于其中是本文的一大挑战。The issues relating to religions have a long history, and the consciousness of feminism is growing nowadays all over the world.

这只小小的船形瓷器,年深日久,伤痕累累,却将我同妈妈的人生、妈妈的欢乐和妈妈的慈爱永远相联正如她曾经说过的那样。That little porcelain boat, chipped and worn with age, keeps me in touch–just as she said it would–with her life, her joy and her love.

这只小小的船形瓷器,年深日久,伤痕累累,却将我同妈妈的人生、妈妈的欢乐和妈妈的慈爱永远相联——正如她曾经说过的那样。That little porcelain boat, chipped and worn with age, keeps me in touch--just as she said it would--with her life, her joy and her love.

即使你的后代能播放这些过时版本的带子,磁带的内容也会因年深日久而变得难以分辨。Even if your descendants found a machine that can play back antiquated formats, the quality of video stored on magnetic tape will degrade over time, rendering your last words unwatchable.