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象狼一样去经受饥寒。Go hungry and cold like the wolf.

骄奢淫逸时,我想起过去的饥寒。If I overindulge I will think of past hungers.

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军阀军队中的士兵因饥寒而酝酿着很大的不安。Hunger and cold are creating great unrest among the soldiers of the warlord armies.

一日饥寒交迫,求牛羊肉铺施舍一勺汤泡馍,吃后饥寒全消。One day when he was wandering in the street, he begged in a meat store for some hot mutton soup.

故虽到了饥寒病苦刑笞交迫的地步,仍是熙熙然贪恋着目前的生的欢喜。One is still greedy for the joy of living in spite of being in starving, torturing and dying conditions.

人知饥寒为忧,不知不饥不寒之忧为更甚。People worry about hunger and cold, not knowing that those without hunger and cold may have more trouble.

“中国国力的增强以及国际地位的提高时一个无可争辩的事实,”崔先生在上星期的新闻中饥寒要说到。"The growing strength of China and its standing in the world is a reality," Mr Cui said at last week's news briefing.

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“中国国力的增强以及国际地位的提高时一个无可争辩的事实,”崔先生在上星期的新闻中饥寒要说到。"The growing strength of China and its standing in the world is a reality, " Mr Cui said at last week's news briefing.

或许体制里确实存在腐朽的部分,但我们的主席显然不相信饥寒或者肺炎的存在。There may be rottenness in the system, but our Chairman surely doesn’t believe in starving a cold, or pneumonia for that matter.

他每天卖药都能挣好几万钱,然后就把钱施舍给街上那些饥寒贫穷的人,只留下三五十个钱。Hu Gong could earn tens of thousands of coins every day, but he would give them away to those poor people on the street, leaving only thirty to fifty coins for himself.

一整个青春季都呆在自己的城堡里,在我的城堡里没有王子与公主的完美爱情,却也是完美的世界,没有纷争,没有饥寒,没有歧视,也没有悲伤。The youth season to stay in his own castle, in my castle without the prince and Princess of the perfect love, but is also the perfect world, no conflict, no hunger, no discrimination, no sadness.

饥寒的小孩、受压迫遭摧残的苦命人、无助的为子女所弃的累赘老人、以及那整个充斥着孤独、贫穷、痛苦的凡尘俗世,成为人类所本该享有的生活之笑柄。Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.