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他无处可去。He had nowhere to go.

科学呀,我无处可逃。From science I shrink.

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我只是无处可去。I just have no place to go.

似乎无处可逃。There seems to be no escape.

而在命运面前,你无处藏身。And fate can find you anywhere.

我们无处可去,却行色匆匆。We are going nowhere, but fast.

在危险面前你无处可藏。You cannot hide me from danger.

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因为它们确实无处可去。And it really had nowhere to go.

我无处送去我的温暖。I want to know what I really want.

他们在那里将无处可去。They have nowhere to go from there.

在那里的自助餐厅和咖啡馆里,压片古巴三明治变得无处不有,现在仍然是迈阿密最受欢迎的三明治。It remains Miami’s favorite sandwich.

她服装得整一律却无处夸口。She is hasl dressed up nowhere to go.

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她打扮得整整齐却无处炫耀。She eis all dressed up and nowhere to go.

她打扮得花枝招展,却无处可去。She is well dressed up but nowhere to go.

但是,唉,那巧妙的觉得,无处可去。But oh, that magic feeling, nowhere to go.

通常的'X'图标是无处可寻!The usual 'X' icon is nowhere to be found!

装着救援物资的船只甚至无处靠港。Ships carrying supplies have nowhere to dock.

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但是在西斯大君的面前她无处可藏。But nothing could hide her from the Sith Lord.

春来,初雨落,我们无处结束.。Spring came , Rain fell , we ended up nowhere.

任何被尼尔森防守的人都无处可去。The man Nelson was covering had nowhere to go.