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这部电影很叫座。The film draws well.

当然叫座也就成了南柯一梦。Of course it became a popular story.

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这样叫座的场面我见多了。I am used to such appealing situations.

这是我写过的最叫座的专栏。It is the most-requested column I've ever written.

伦敦剧院最叫座的剧目往往是歌舞喜剧。The most successful show in the London Theatre is often musical.

这是一个关于旧金山生活和爱的欢快音乐剧,十分叫座!The hilarious new hit musical about life and love in San Francisco!

伦敦剧院最叫座的剧目往往是歌舞喜剧。The most successful shows in the London theatre are often musicals.

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我那时整整一年都因参演一部叫座的舞台滑稽剧作为巴黎舞台上的明星存在着。I had been the star of a hit musical revue on the Paris stage for a year.

一些亚洲拍摄的电影在北美也很叫座。Asian films produced outside Hollywood are also doing well in North America.

该片大为叫座,并为纽曼带来首次奥斯卡提名。The film was a major box office hit and bagged Newman the first of his 10 Oscar nominations.

他们甚至给杰克孙连一封信都没有写。杰克孙博客里人们开始称他“叫座的签名塔可钟”之后,才发现人们针对他的攻势是那么猛烈。They neglected to send a letter to the rapper, but Jackson found about the campaign after blogs started calling him a sellout for endorsing Taco Bell.

在广大公众还普遍缺乏带薪休假底气的今天,一味高喊“农民工带薪休假”,恐怕还是难逃“叫好不叫座”的结局。As the public have no right to get the paid vocation, the hard advocation of migrant workers' paid vocation will supposedly lead to "the castle in the air".

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因为,艺术家的兴奋点往往与大众的兴趣相悖,所以,艺术家的热爱意味着东晶?国际可能曲高和寡,叫好可能并不叫座。For artists motivation often incompatible with the public interest, so artists may love that too highbrow East Atrium, international, may not be popular applause.

尽管谷歌具有最广泛的能力,因此,它的产品有潜力受到欢迎,但我认为未来不会出现一下子非常叫座的产品。I don't think there will be a breakout product, although Google has the broadest capabilities and so it has the potential to become one if it gets the product right.

在广大公众还普遍缺乏带薪休假底气的今天,一味高喊“农民工带薪休假”,恐怕还是难逃“叫好不叫座”的结局。As the public generally still lack the courage to take paid leave nowadays, all the crying out for "paid leave for migrant workers in cities" would invariably end up as a "white-wash".

皮克斯动画工作室发行过的电影部部叫好又叫座,第10部剧情片「天外奇迹」看来也不会例外,至少在艺术方面是如此。LOS ANGELES — Pixar Animation Studios has never released a movie that was not a commercial and creative triumph, and its 10th feature, "Up, " is looking to be no exception — at least artistically.

这些数字表明,成都车展已经成为消费者与参展商联袂出演的商业大片,不仅叫好,而且叫座。These digit indicated that Chengdu auto show already became the commercial big piece which the consumer and the exhibitor plays hand in hand, not only applauds , moreover attracts a large audience.