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认知代表思想。Cognition-- thoughts.

花代表美。They represent beauty.

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作为代表你爱的信物?As a token of your love?

南瓜是一种瓜,不代表颜色。Pumpkin is also a fruit.

但是大并不代表一切。But big isn't everything.

西莉亚,这代表了什么?What does it mean, Celia?

他不能委派代表来指挥。He can't delegate command.

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合掌峰是雁荡山的代表景观之一。Hezhang Peak is one of Mt.

代表向你们全家问好。Gve my best to your family.

我代表Bibury系统公司。I represent Bibury Systems.

狗代表狗狗。The dog symbolizes doggies.

我代表理查德·迪安……On behalf of Richard Dean...

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将来没有被代表。The future is unrepresented.

是的,食物代表罪恶,腐败。Yes foods were meant to rot.

科林·斯科特是天秤座的代表。Colin Scott is a Libra lover.

这是他们所代表的角色。It's the role they represent.

可能计算机代表了大师。Maybe it speaks for the Pope.

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如果mo,mo代表势头。If mo, mo stands for momentum.

代表的是重量和价值。Of the weights and the values.

R代表着结果导向。R stands for results-oriented.