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他们年事渐高。They were advancing in years.

专为年事较大的儿童以及混淆第一次换牙&永世的牙,和带有漏洞的牙。Designed for older children with a mixture of first & permanent teeth, and gaps.

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年事愈长,我愈珍惜多年前基督徒良师尝试教我的一些基本的道理。The older I become, the more I appreciate the basic things my good Christian mentors tried to teach me years ago.

让我们为这些老年事工祷告,尤其求主记念无法继续到教会敬拜的年老圣徒,以及教会所作的努力。Let us pray for these efforts to minister to the old saints who no longer can attend church worship and fellowship.

我年青时以为金钱至上,而今年事已迈,发现果真如此。When I was young, I used to think that money was the most important thing in life, now that I am old, I know it is.

我能够和小客户竞争,比方雀巢,如因是在美邦,我那样年事是不否能到达的。I was able to work with big clients, like Nestle , that I would never have been able to work with at my age here in the United States.

等你年事稍长,就会发现,要使世界成为一个尚可容忍的生活场所,首先得承认人类的自私是不可避免的。Your age is a bit long, you will find, to make the world a tolerable place to live, first of all have to admit that human selfishness is inevitable.

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第二任总统是本·阿里。当布尔吉巴年事过高,无法有效执政之时,本·阿里便一手策划使得布尔吉巴在1987遭到罢黜。The second was Ben Ali, who engineered Bourguiba's ouster in 1987, when it appeared that Bourguiba had grown too old and detached to govern effectively.

达累斯萨拉姆市中心的大部分建筑年事已久,低矮的混凝土建筑物长期暴露在热带的湿气中,呈现出灰暗的发霉阴影。For the most part, downtown Dar was built long ago, and its low-slung concrete buildings, long exposed to the moisture of the tropics, have taken on a musty shade of gray.

和这件事有关的一种最大的谬见,就是对于年事轻而经历浅的青年人的感情不可横加干扰,不应干涉他们的恋爱经验。One of the greatest errors connected with this subject is that the young and inexperienced must not have their affections disturbed, that there must be no interference in their love experience.