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本次全球金融风暴,滥觞于美国华尔街。THE crisis began on Wall Street.

我们一到那儿电影就滥觞了。The movie commenced when we got there.

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这是美国自由的核心原则,也是民主自由之滥觞。”that’s the ruling principle of american freedom?

人们滥觞烦懑,这场灾难还会延续多久?People did stgood to wonder how long the disaster would last.

河洛文化的滥觞开启了河洛文化的历史。The origin of Heluo culture opened the history of Heluo culture.

实际上,一些不能到外表墙壁上涂写的利比亚人现在滥觞在家里涂画了。In fact, some Libyans unable to write on walls outside are now doing it inside.

每年这个时辰,农民们滥觞犁地。At this time of the year farmers to capalternating currentity to plow their fields.

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通用电气很快就召回、返修了这批电视机,但是这个事件却成了电视辐射伤害眼睛的的滥觞。GE quickly recalled and repaired the faulty TVs, but the stigma lingers to this day.

乘坐中国国际航空公司CA992次航班前往伦敦的乘客请注意,当前滥觞登机。Pbumengers flying to London on Air China flight ticket CA992- your flight is now takeing.

话本小说滥觞于说话艺人和市井文人之作。Storytelling novels originated from the works of folklore speakers and marketplace writers.

中国古代数学从滥觞之时就表现出明显的政治功利性。The ancient mathematics of China was from the outset of remarkable political utilitarianism.

那就是那小事的滥觞——或者说那就是那不久就变成了大事的小事的滥筋。That was the little thing, or the beginning of the little thing, that was soon to become the big thing.

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先秦至魏晋是桃文化的滥觞和形成期。It was inital and taking shape stage about the Peach culture before the Qin Dynasty and Wei Jin Dynasty.

一滥觞的汉语课,人总是满满的。但是随着水平的进步,加入的人越来越少。The creating Mandarin courses constould likely full- but the level progresses less and fewer people enroll.

政策网络的概念滥觞于美国次级政府观念以及英国政策社群的研究。The concept of policy networks originates from the study on notion of sub-government and policy communities.

本文第一章论述俄苏“红色经典”批评之滥觞,具体时间为20世纪20年代至40年代。The first chapter deals with the beginning of Chinese criticism on Russian "Red Classics" from 1920s to 1940s.

从某种程度上说,称后现代主义小说为不确定性的滥觞,绝非妄语。To some extent, it's no exaggeration to argue that post-modern fiction is the carnivalization of indeterminacy.

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市场投机的滥觞、信贷标准的弱化终于导致危机的爆发。Beginning of market speculation, the weakening of credit standards that finally led to the outbreak of the crisis.

晚清至1927年为中国女子职业教育滥觞与初步发展时期,女子职业教育体系得以初步建立。It was the preliminary development period of Chinese woman vocational education from the late Qing Dynasty to 1927.

我国远古的图腾崇拜是十二生肖的滥觞,而干支的创制与中华民族的多元一体则是十二生肖形成的基础。And the appearance of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches and the unity of multi-elements are the foundation of this.