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仅只是眼睑,如此琐细。Merely lid. How trivial it is.

有一些指令的琐细的变更。There are trivial variations in a few commands.

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小孩子们争吵常常只是因为琐细的问题。The children's quarrels usually concern a petty problem.

我们每个人都只能生活在日常的琐细之中。Each of us can only live in day-to-day and trivial lives.

从2.2.2迁移应该是很琐细的,带有一个参数的警告。Migration from 2.2.2 should be trivial, with one caveat for the Param tag.

亲爱的,原谅我的直白和莽撞,对于我的琐细请不要介意。My dear, forgive for my abruptness and frankness, forget my triviality please.

在较琐细的问题上不必要的讨价还价日益减少。Unnecessary haggling over relatively trivial issues is less and less prevalent.

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刻意或无意,我们总在绝大多数生活琐细中给它以发挥的空间。We all use it, whether consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily affairs.

那些琐细的烦恼,甚至毫无疑义,如果你放纵它就可以把你压倒。The trivial annoyances, even though they are virtually meaningless, can overwhelm you if you let them.

如果有问题,那一定是隐蔽而严重的,因为我们有足够的智力将琐细的问题都排除。If there is a problem, it must be a tough, nasty effect, because trivial things we are clever enough to rule out.

程序已经足够简单以方便演示,然后又足够的复杂以提供非琐细的优化机会。The application is simple enough to be clearly illustrative, yet complex enough to provide non-trivial optimization opportunities.

空气里到处是属于别人的,美好琐细的小快乐。芷烟这才恍然意识到,自己已经很久没有出来看看了。In the air everywhere belongs to others, happy trivial small joyful. zhi the smoke suddenly realizes now at last, own already very were long had not come out has a look.

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在今天我们宣告,终结那些琐细的抱怨和虚假的诺言,终结那些勾心斗角和陈腐教条,这些已经侵蚀我们的政治太深太久了。On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas , that for far too long have strangled our politics.

因而,在王安忆的小说中,无论是对历史的叙述还是对上海以及乡村的描摹,凡俗人生的琐细的日常生活一直是她津津乐道的内容。Consequently, in Wang An'yi's novels, the triviality of the daily life is always her chief concern, whether it is the narration of history or the description of Shanghai and the countryside.

他的工笔人物画造型严谨,刻画入微线条流畅,刚健爽朗,风格清闲,完全摆脱了旧人物仕女画柔靡琐细的积习。His fine brushwork rigorous modeling portraits, portrait of attention fluid lines, robust hearty, free-style, completely out of the old ladies painted figures Sophie inveteracy trivial detail.

只要我还活着,我仍会继续讲究文笔风格,热爱大地的山川胜景,对琐细的物品和无用的传闻感到欣悦。So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information.

一个陌生的姓名刻在我的墓碑上,一群陌生人啜泣著哀切的歌调,默念著琐细的往事,对著我焚香,对著我燔烧一扎一扎的冥纸。Before an unfamiliar name engraved on my tomb, a group of strangers sobs and sings mournfully , reads to themselves the trivial details of days long gone, and burns bundles of incense and paper money.