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眼魔经常不宣而战。Beholders often attack without provocation.

绝大多数人反对授权他进行不宣而战的海战。How can you say you disagree when the majority of your classmates do not?

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这是一场不宣而战的战争,我们每个人都必须参加,只有这样我们才能夺取胜利。This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for inorder for us to win.

我们从未输掉任何一场战争。不包括不宣而战、世界大战和北约的战事…We've never lost a war. Excludingundeclared wars, world wars, and NATO battles –

绝大多数人反对授权他进行不宣而战的海战。There was overwhelming opposition to empowering him to wage a declared naval war.

你知道,不宣而战的战事,无尽的战争,正义的战争,持久的战争,所有这些战事都看不到结束的日子。You know, undeclared wars, endless wars, good wars, long wars, and all kinds of wars with no end in sight.

美国不宣而战打击伊拉克的军事力量,浪费宝贵的资源和他们的年轻人的鲜血和生命。The U. S. preemptively strikes out militarily in Iraq wasting its precious treasure and the blood of its youth.

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当北京主办夏季奥运会被政治阴谋围绕,它实质上是对中国不宣而战。With the hosting of the summer Olympic Games being insidiously exploited for flagrant political ends, it was virtually an undeclared war sneakily waged on China.

即使是国会1973年通过了限制总统战争权的“战争权力决议案”,直至今日,总统在对外战争上仍然是“不宣而战”。Although the Congress passed the " War Powers Resolution" in 1973 to limit the presidents' war-making power and up to now, the presidents have been waging the "undeclared wars".

巴基斯坦俾路支省的人道灾难将使大量的难民越过伊朗边境,在那里,俾路支反对武装已经与伊朗处理一种不宣而战的状态。Humanitarian disaster in Pakistani Balochistan would send many fleeing across the Iranian border, where Baloch insurgent groups are already at a state of undeclared war with Iran.