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要看神女,请点击这里。Click here to watch "The Goddess".

伊什塔,诸神女主人,记住!ISHTAR, Mistress of the Gods, Remember!

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牡丹疑是洛川神女作。If not the creation of Luochuan Goddess she is.

女王,神女与士兵之后,吾呼唤汝!Lady, Queen of Harlots and of Soldiers, I call to Thee!

这时,有一位女神女娲,在这莽莽的原野上行走。At this time, there is a goddess Nu Wa, in this vast wilderness walking.

本文对作家文学系统和道教系统中流传的巫山神女传说做了相应的比较。The legend of Wushan Goddess was spread at Warring Times in Sanxia area.

好比半巨魔的力气值一定要比神女的力气值来得要高。Half-trolls for example will naturally have a higher strength value than a fairy.

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当神女说看出阳明君身上的光引起了张氏的注意。When the goddess said that Yang light has attracted the attention of the zhang monarch.

中国神话传说中的嫦娥、高唐神女等形象使神话文学中充满了飞天意象。Many flying images, like Chang'e and Gaotang are described in Chinese myths and legends.

但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase.

白天,当神女在迷雾中出现时,会给瞥见她身影的人带来好运。On days when the goddess emerges from the mist, she brings good luck to anyone who glimpsed her.

神女宫,钟乳丰满,玲珑剔透,一如刚出浴的秀美仙女。The fairy temple, the clock milk is plentiful full, extremely keen, just as just pretty fairy maiden of a bath.

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我就是你的祖先崇拜的那位神女,他们在巴勒贝克、艾弗加和朱拜勒曾为我建筑过祭坛和庙宇。I am the ever virgin your forefathers worshipped, and to my honor they erected shrines and temples at Baalbek and Jbeil.

然而,我有主耶稣基督做我的父,有诞神女为我的母,圣徒们是我的兄弟姐妹!Instead, I have the Lord Jesus Christ as my father, the Theotokos as my mother, and the saints as my brothers and sisters!

自从踏进公众号圈,就发现这行有非常多优秀的年轻人,那么多才貌双全红透半边天的男神女神。Since she had entered the public, I found this line there are so many talented people, so much wit and Red Sky gods goddesses.

哪里可以看到李壮平李勤父女创作的东方神女山鬼系列油画?Where can see the damned east goddess mountain series oil painting that the flat Li Zhuang Li Qin father and daughter creates?

描绘冰清玉洁、自在逍遥的神女形象,充分表现了当时辞赋创作疏离屈骚传统、超越世俗人生的倾向。He describes pure, noble and unfettered goddess in his works and shows the tendency of the creation of Sao style to depart from Qu Yuan's traditional way.

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按照荣格的原型理论,神女与狐妖都是阿尼玛原型的代表,带有善恶两重性,是古人对于女性人物“外端内媚”的双重要求。According to Carl G Jung, both are the incarnations of Anima with kindness and evil, representing the whirligig of male aesthetic ideas over female images.

并就廪君与盐水神女的爱情纠葛,从巫文化视角作了新的解读。Meawhile, the essay makes an original interpretation of the love entanglement between Lin Jun and the Godess Yanshui from the perspective of witch culture.

拥有优美音色和从容气度的极具魅力的天才二胡演奏家,在世界各地受到热烈欢迎,被称作“二胡神女”、“二胡圣手”。Ma Xiaohui is an extremely talented and elegant performer greatly applauded by people around the world. She is often called the angel or magic lady of erhu.