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在那个时代国民自卫军打起仗来就象轻步兵一样。This was the epoch when a National Guardsman fought like a Zouave.

郊区的国民自卫军匆匆忙忙乱哄哄地赶来了。The National Guards of the suburbs rushed up in haste and disorder.

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那些国民自卫军和士兵一面对他瞄准一面笑。The National Guardsmen and the soldiers laughed as they took aim at him.

幸亏他那身国民自卫军的制服,很顺利地就通过了。Thanks to his dress of a National Guardsman, he had made his way without difficulty.

有了一扇玻璃门,要是那些国民自卫军想登上街垒,他们脚上的老茧便会被划开。A glass door cuts the corns of the National Guard when they try to mount on the barricade.

有了一扇玻璃门,要是那些国民自卫军想登上街垒,他们脚上的老茧便会被划开。A glass door cuts the corns of the National Guard when they try to mount on the barricade. Pardi !

街上单独的哨兵和回到区公所去的国民自卫军被人解除了武装。They disarmed isolated sentinels and National Guardsmen in the streets on their way to the Townhall.

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大致一个钟头过后,冉阿让出去了,穿上了国民自卫军的全套制服,并带了武器。About an hour later, Jean Valjean went out in the complete costume of a National Guard, and with his arms.

农民自卫军如此没有把握枪枝的能力,这是机会主义路线的结果。The peasant self-defence corps were not able to hold on to their rifles as a result of the opportunist line.

那些国民自卫军把那红旗撕成条条,挂在他们的枪刺尖上。The National Guardsmen tore up the flag, and carried off its tattered remains on the points of their bayonets.

要从这种斗争中去武装人民,即组织自卫军和游击队。In the course of this struggle we must arm the people, i. e. , organize self-defence corps and guerrilla units.

在立陶宛“自卫军”押解下的犹太人妇女儿童队伍,立陶宛,1941年。The column of Jewish women and children under the escort of Lithuanian "self-defense". 1941. Lithuania, the USSR.

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三分之一的军队压在你们所在的这个街垒上,还有国民自卫军。A third of the army is bearing down upon the barricades in which you now are. There is the National Guard in addition.

据报道,在清理建筑物的过程中,伊拉克国民自卫军在萨迈拉的一个清真寺里逮捕了二十五名反叛分子。In the process of clearing buildings, Iraqi National Guardsmen reportedly arrested 25 insurgents inside a mosque in Samarra.

两个营,鼓上蒙着黑纱,倒背着枪,一万国民自卫军,腰上挂着刀,国民自卫军的炮队伴随着棺材。Two battalions,with draped drums and reversed arms, ten thousand National Guards, with their swords at their sides, escorted the coffin.

“政府当初派出自卫军是因为得到了错误的信息,”民主党领导长菅直人说。"The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information, " says Naoto Kan , the party's leader.

那些对遥远的事还有些记忆的人知道郊区国民自卫军在镇压起义时也相当勇敢。Those who have preserved some memory of this already distant epoch know that the National Guard from the suburbs was valiant against insurrections.

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昨天,当一民族自卫军领导人扬言他已经杀害30多名政府军人,而且抓捕至少50名时,缅甸东北部暴发新战事。Fresh fighting erupted in north-east Burma yesterday, as the leader of an ethnic militia claimed he had killed more than 30 government soldiers and captured at least 50 more.