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2012年奥运会主办权花落谁家?Who will Host the 2012 Olympics?

究竟什么是主办银行制?。What on earth is lead bank system?

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中国主办的世界围棋大赛?World go megagame that China holds?

主办国已花了两年时间筹备会议。Who will be the host of the meeting?

主办国经常是非常出色的。The host nation always performs well.

研究院主办14种学术刊物。The AMSS sponsor 14 academic journals.

国际篮联将选择主办国在5月。FIBA will choose the host nation in May.

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谁将主理主办把持会议,还不得而知。Who will chair the meeting is still unknown.

这些活动通常是由社区主办的。These are usually community-sponsored events.

每件参赛作品需提交两套作品予主办机构。Two copies of each entry should be submitted.

下周我们学校将主办一个风筝节。Next week our school will host a kite festival.

下一届的奥运会主办城市有压力了!No pressure on the next Olympic host city then!

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他们主办了六次广告节,为去西班牙度假做宣传。They run six commercial plug holidays in Spain.

主办单位说表示影展绝对不剪片。"We are not cutting any movies, " said Ruwaini.

2004年7月广州赢得了本界亚运会的主办权。It won the right to host the games in July 2004.

这就是奥运会主办城市创作的奥运会会徽。That symbol is the one created by the host city.

被委托人应是投资主办单位职工。The client shall be the employee of the sponsor.

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本次会议由苏州胶囊有限公司主办。The workshop is organized by Capsugel Co. , Ltd.

所有这些活动都由狮子俱乐部主办。All these events are sponsored by the Lions Club.

哪个国家将主办下一届世界杯?Which country is going to host the next WorldCup?