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刘诗白教授著作等身。Liu Shibai teaches the body such as composing.

于牧师著作等身?是主所重用的忠心仆人。He has authored many books and VCD and is a faithful servant of Lord.

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苏联科学院院士齐赫文中国研究的著作等身。The Soviet Academician Serguei Tikhvinski has many works on China to his credit.

科幻小说方面,克拉克著作等身,然而他坚称,他不曾“预测”过未来,只是“推断”而已。He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted. He simply extrapolated.

他在学术研究方面堪称著作等身,尤其以戏曲、小说的研究最为突出。In academic research, he does as prominent as writing, particularly in the research of verse drama and novels.

他勤奋、刻苦,著作等身,在学界有一定的知名度。Zhang Bing is a scholar in ancient literature in Fudan University, who is diligent and assiduous all his life.

伯纳德·路易斯是中东史研究领域著作等身的权威学者,他所研究的范围主要涉及中东政治、宗教、民族、文化等方面。Bernard Lewis is an authority in the field of the history in the Middle East and he has more works than any other authors.

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我们的师资都是著作等身,拥有影响力的学者和有创造力的作者,同时也以其优质和投入的教学品质闻名。Staffed by well-published, influential scholars and creative writers, the Literature faculty is recognized for its superior and committed teaching.

闻一多先生是现代著名诗人、民主战士,也是一位著作等身、学贯东西的学者。Mr. Wen Yiduo was not only a famous fighter for democracy but also a professor and learned scholar with good knowledge about oriental and western issues and had published many books and articles.

然而,就是这样一位著作等身的作家,因为他新旧并存的特殊的文学样态,遭受了几十年文学史的不公正对待。However, the writer who has own so much works has suffered unfair treatment in Chinese Modern literature history because his special literature characteristics that the new and the old both existed.