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不过这只是平均数。But this is an average.

这是定律或是平均数。It is the law or averages.

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平均数代表的是什么What is their average performance?

平均数的2/3是20So two-thirds of the average is 20.

之后你会得到一个大于g的平均数。Then you take the average of g and x over g.

我应该先除3得到平均数I need to divide it by three to get the average.

进展不能靠全球平均数字来衡量。Progress will not be measured by global averages.

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抱歉,平均数的2/3会是多少Sorry, that two-thirds of the average would be what?

那就把每年的收益率求一个平均数吧Let's take the average over all the different years."

性伴侣数目的平均数是在0到0。5之间。The average number of sexual partners is between zero and .5.

好,平均数是30,其3/2是20Okay, so the average is 30 and two-thirds of the average is 20.

不加权的指数指简单算术平均或几何平均数。Unweighted indices are simple arithmetic or geometric averages.

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同时,观察已创建和已毁坏连接的平均数。Also, observe the average number of connections created and destroyed.

在理想条件下,可以测试所有的单元,然后采用平均数。In ideal circumstances, you measure all the cells and take the average.

实验组和对比组时间的平均数差异经过t检验,在0.05的水平上具有显著性。The mean difference of the post-test was significant at the 0.05 level.

在第三章我们给了一个求100个数的平均数的程序框图。In Chapter 3 we show a flow chart for finding the average of 100 numbers.

即简单平均数,等于所有数值之和除以数值的项数。Simple average, equal to the sum of alls divided by the total number of s.

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而在中国,法拉利的女性买家更是全球平均数的2倍。The number of women who buy Ferraris in China is double the global average.

平均数是30,总和是90,平均数是30,这回没错吧So the average is 30. So the total is 90, the average is 30, am I right so far?

问题往往在于算数平均数和几何平均数之间的选择。The question is often framed as the choice between arithmetic and geometric means.