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损失可观。The losses are considerable.

这个数目相当可观。This is a considerable figure.

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他拥有相当可观的房地产。He owns considerable real estate.

因为利润非常可观Because it was so damned profitable.

30吨冷气需要80个20英寸的风扇,30吨冷气是相当可观的。Thirty tons of air is a considerable amount.

我们想要一间可观海景的双人房。We 'd like a double room with an ocean view.

他存了一笔相当可观的钱以备退休之用。He's put aside a tidy sum for his retirement.

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她存了一笔可观的钱已备退休之用。She's put aside a tidy sum for her retirement.

但是业务量巨大,利润就相当可观了。But with enough volume, the profits can add up.

他将一笔本来很可观的财富增大了四倍。He has quintupled a fortune already considerable.

美国北极地区是否有可观石油足够开采?。Whether It Has Enough Oil Under ANWR for Drilling?

他伪称自己继承了一笔可观的遗产。He lets on that he has inherited a handsome legacy.

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日本对于美国肉类的需求是相当可观的。Japan’s appetite for American meat is considerable.

中国大部分地区可观看到这个天象奇观。Most part of China can observe this wonderful event.

峰南玉皇顶,因可观日出而闻名。South Yuhuangding peak, known for impressive sunrise.

她因其创造才能得到了一笔可观的奖赏。She received a handsome reward for her creative talent.

首航我们就能赚可观的钱。We will be making substantial profit on the first flight.

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在奥斯罗的一生中,他读了数量相当可观的书籍。In his lifetime, Osler read a significant library of books.

今天造型师是一个分成工明确,前途光明而且薪水可观的职业。Now it's a career with a profile, prospects and pay packet.

雅虎尽管规模仍可观,但是看起来所剩不多了。But Yahoo, despite its size, will start looking like a rump.