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听说过一种生洋葱的偏方吗?Heard the one about the raw onion?

这位赤脚医生有治疗白浊的偏方。The doctor has a way to treat gonorrhea.

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你好,杰克,这学期你选治口臭偏方什么课?Hi, Jack, what leo will you take this semester?

如果手烫伤了有什么偏方可以治疗?If hand scald what folk prescription can be treated?

谁有治疗气管炎的好的偏方?。Who has the good folk prescription that treats tracheitis?

缣我以为时间是最好的偏方,可治好的全是皮外伤。I think time is the best remedies can cure all skin trauma.

但直到最近科学家们才研究了这个偏方效果的真实性。But only recently have scientists examined whether the effect is real.

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过敏性鼻炎咽炎有食疗偏方吗?Does irritability rhinitis pharyngitis have dietotherapy folk prescription?

偏方和骗术也许无法对你造成伤害,但是无疑会耗神又费钱。Fadsand gimmicks probably won’t hurt you, but they will waste time andmoney.

许多民间偏方有它的优势,针对性强,只要对症,一用就灵。Many folk recipes have their own advantages, with strong pointedness and very good effect.

请问有什么治疗肠道癌的偏方、祖传秘方?What treats the folk prescription of alvine path cancer, ancestral secret recipe excuse me?

在祖国传统的食物疗法中,有不少催乳验方、偏方。In traditional Chinese food therapy, has many galactagogue prescriptions, folk prescription.

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长痘痘是体内出现了状况惹起的啊,运用偏方是没有什么效果的啊。Body acne is the status of breeds there, ah, what effect the use of prescriptions is not the ah.

肚子难受时,奶奶推荐吃姜,这种偏方挺对症,至少对癌症患者挺不错的。Grandma was right when she recommended ginger for an upset stomach — at least for cancer patients.

什么药物治疗高血压?治疗高血压有什么好的偏方吗?。What medications hypertensive ? The folk prescription with good what does remedial hypertension have?

还会提供一些去黑眼圈的小诀窍和偏方,教自己怎么去黑眼圈,以备不时只需。Also provide some black eye to tips and recipes, teach you how to get rid of the black eye socket, on standby.

请问什么办法可以治疗老年人的骨质增生,偏方或者药物都可以???Excuse me what method can treat the bone hyperplasia of old people, folk prescription or is medicaments OK? ? ?

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不要盲手段祛斑,更不要听信一些秘方和偏方,别把你的脸做成了实验田。Do not blind means freckle, not to hear some secrets and remedies, do not make your face the experimental fields.

治疗狐臭偏方百度一些产品功能对我们收集长尾关键词非常有利。Treatment of body odor remedies Baidu some product features to our collection of long tail keywords very favorable.

就像烧伤用冰块冷敷,或者咳嗽含一片止咳糖,对于抽鼻子、打喷嚏、鼻塞,喝一杯热茶是一个由来已久的民间偏方。Like ice for a burn or a lozenge for a cough, a cup of hot tea is an age-old balm for sniffles, sneezing and stuffiness.