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他能够说3种外国语。He can speak three foreign languages.

他在学习两种外国语。He is learning two foreign languages.

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南华大学外国语学院欢迎您!Welcome to School of foreign Languages!

我在罗湖外国语学校上学。I study in Luohu Foreign Language School.

株洲市外国语学校欢迎您!Welcome to Zhuzhou Foreign Language School!

欢迎各位参观上海外国语学校。Welcome to Shanghai Foreign Language School.

我觉得我很幸运能来到黑龙江外国语学院。I feel very lucky that I can come to the HIU.

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桂林德智外国语学校好不好?Is Guilin Dezhi foreign language school good?

欢迎来到南京外国语学校2003届的非官方网站!Welcome to the unofficial website of NFLS 2003!

除了英语外,我们还须学习第二门外国语。Besides English, we have to learn a second language.

外国语是人生斗争的一种武器。A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of lfe.

道歉就有点像学会一门外国语言。Apologizing is a lot like learning a foreign language.

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杜昌忠外国语学院教授。DU Changzhong , Professor, Foreign Languages Institute.

深田静夫先生1960年毕业于大阪外国语大学。Graduated from Osaka University of Foreign Studies in 1960.

北京外国语大学斯洛伐克语专业大四学生a senior in Slovakian at Beijing Foreign Studies University

我是来自成都市三原外国语学校的贺珍妮。My name’s Jenny. I’m from Chengdu Sanyuan Foreign Languages School.

谈到这点,英语从外国语言中捡来的那些单词又该怎么算?Come to that, what about all the words that English picks up abroad?

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朱天娇就读于上海外国语大学日语系。Zhu is a Japanese major at Shanghai International Studies University.

陈校长,北京外国语大学的教职员工和同学们President Chen, faculty and students of Beijing Foreign Studies University

今天我们在这里隆重举行吉林华桥外国语学院2007级新生开学典礼。We are gathered here today for the 2007 school's opening and award ceremony.