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他是个不折不扣的守财奴。He's a real scrooge.

他是个不折不扣的傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

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吉姆已经成了不折不扣的“桌边神游族”。Jim has become a real desk potato.

当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。Of course he was a plain pro-Nazi.

乔伊在某些方面是不折不扣的白痴。Joy is a real birdbrain in some ways.

王海强是位不折不扣的“雪雕迷”。Wang is a devotee of snow sculptures.

一定要不折不扣地服从这项命令。This order is to be obeyed to the letter.

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她使自己变成一个不折不扣地笨疍。She let themselves become a complete fool.

我们痛恨、厌恶这些不折不扣的魔鬼。We hate and loathe these veritable fiends.

然而总而言之,绫波是一个不折不扣的迷团。But in overall, Ayanami was a total mystery.

我的医生认为,我是个不折不扣的笨蛋。My therapist believes I am certifiably nuts.

他是一个不折不扣的酒鬼,我每天晚上在鹅和鸭酒吧都看到他。I see him every night at the Goose and Duck pub.

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“你能给一头猪抹抹口红,粉饰一下,不过它仍然是一头不折不扣的猪”。You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

他生活在新奥尔良,是个不折不扣的怪人He lived in New Orleans, he was eccentric as hell.

「他是不折不扣的打击机器」佩提特说道。"He's an absolute hitting machine, " Pettitte said.

雪莉是个不折不扣的自由职业者。Shirly is a professional in every sense of the word.

我个人认为,仅仅给予是一家不折不扣的社会企业。In my own view, Justgiving is very much a social enterprise.

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当我是你的老师的时候,我是个不折不扣的偷梦人。When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer.

不折不扣地改造了美国文学的灵魂。It transformed nothing less than the literary soul of America.

应当不折不扣地执行这个指示。The instruction should be carried out without any reservation.