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涵管做为道路中的空隙,它是一个脊梁。He slipped end-over-end as the gaps in the road, it is a backbone.

工程进行到一半,这些涵管就用完了。These culvert pipes will run out after half of the project is completed.

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挖到这个地方时,闻声下面‘砰’的一声,估计是挖断了下水道涵管。Dig into this place, heard below the bang 'of 1, estimation is dig broke.

涵管已经老化漏水,必须尽快检修。The aged culvert pipes are leaking, they must be overhauled as soon as possible.

整节涵管连接法兰采用角钢,钢板制作。The whole day he slipped end-over-end connecting flange with Angle steel, production.

目的介绍溢泪症的自制内涵管置入治疗。Objective To introduce the therapy of epiphora symptoms with self-produced internal tube.

本文讨论了地下深埋涵管的应力有限元计算问题。This paper deals with the problem of the finite element calculation for underground culvert.

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三涵管管身的细部构造有哪些?各有什么作用?Three of the play he slipped end-over-end detail structure? What are those? Each have a function?

对此,工地相关职员称将尽快修理好下水道涵管。To this, the site staff say will be related repair he slipped end-over-end sewer as soon as possible.

这时我们选择适合制作沟槽管的涵管机。At this time we choose suitable for the production of the tube he slipped end-over-end machine groove.

通过对冻结模型的切片应力计算,求出了涵管在静土压力下的三维应力分布。Throuth the stress calculation for the model slices the pipe's 3-D stress distribution state is solved.

待涵管道安装完成并经验收合格后,方可进行土方回填。To pipe installation is complete and experience the qualified, conducted only after backfill earthwork.

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介绍了高填方路段圆管涵管节的设计和试验。This paper introduces design and test of the pipe used in the circular pipe culvert under high embankment.

大型污水工程中的箱涵管接口渗漏检测,是目前迫切要解决的技术课题。It is an urgent task to develop the technique for leakage inspection at the joint of large sewage Culverts.

这些涵管几乎将大门堵了个严实,只在一边留出了仅容一人通行的缝隙。These culverts will be almost out of the gate block agents, the only side left only one person can access holes.

本文考虑了涵管结构与土的位移协调,提出了相应的涵管设计方法。With consideration of displacement compatibility a design method of the buried circular tube has been proposed in this paper.

对于水库坝下涵管需弃管重建的水利工程,常规的处理方案是破坝重新埋设新管或开挖隧洞。The conventional method on treating the abandoned culvert under earth dam is the method of burying culverts and digging tunnels.

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涵管机基底标高必需按设计严格控制,一切疏松浮土必需清除。He slipped end-over-end machine basal elevation according to design must strictly controlled, lose material must remove all loose.

病险水库除险加固中,垂直防渗墙在涵管上的施工是难点。The construction of vertical cut-off walls on culvert pipes is the most difficult part in the reinforcement of reservoirs in danger.

分析了公路涵管预制裂缝产生的因素,提出了相关的控制措施。The paper analyzes the factors causing the cracks happened during highway culvert pipe precasting, and brings forward the control measures accordingly.