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我伸出手,却颓然跌落。I am reaching, but I fall.

头部被猛击一下后,他颓然倒下。He went to grass after being hit in the head.

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听到儿子的死讯,他颓然崩溃了。He simply fell apart on hearing his son's death.

那颓然绽放的年与月。Then the year and the month opend absentmindedly.

等我转过头,她叹了最后一口气,颓然倒下。As I turned around she slumped over with one last sigh.

杰晃了两晃,像抛出的锚一样颓然倒地。Jay wobbled for a second and then dropped like an anchor.

女歌手的眼睛模糊起来,颓然倒下昏迷了过去。The singer's eyes hazed over and she sank down in a dead faint.

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她颓然坐在一个池塘旁边,茫然对池塘中自己的影子。She sat slumped beside a pond, a loss in its shadow on the pond.

他倒抽一口气,挺直身体往后退一步,就颓然落在一张椅子里。He straightened up, took a deep breath, and sank back into a chair.

阿谢尔郁郁不乐地叹了口气,颓然坐在斯鲁特身边的棕色皮沙发上。Ascher heavily sighed, and dropped on the brown leather sofa beside Slote.

你是否挣扎着对抗不义之事,却颓然而败?。Have you struggled to fight with what is against your good will, but failed?

经风一吹,和着花粉颓然跌落。Through the breeze on blowing, along with the pollen self-effacing drop into.

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我咽下多余的借口,心像下过一场雪,颓然的惨白。I swallow redundant excuses, heart is like a snow next, self-effacing of pale.

不管在学校还是在家,我一看到楼就梯,两脚便颓然僵硬麻木。When I was faced with stairs either a home or at school, my legs would hardly carry.

即使是死亡,他也抱住了流血的她,凝视着,颓然倒下。Even is a death, he also embraced to bleed of she, stare at, self- effacing fall flop.

他颓然坐下,肩膀耷拉着,双臂垂在叉开的。He sat down heavily, his shoulders drooping, his arms falling between his outspread legs.

他抓住胸口,步履蹒跚地走到最近的墙旁,颓然倒在人行道上。He clutches his chest, staggers to the nearest building and slumps sitting to the sidewalk.

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头发凌乱得像吹乱的枯草,眼睛布满血丝,颓然地趿拉着拖鞋。Hair disheveled like wind-blown withered grass, eyes blood-shot, shuffle languidly in the slippers.

没有别的选择,只能颓然地坐在破旧的椅子上嚎啕大哭,德拉就是这么做的。There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl. So Della did it.

安耐特颓然跃进一把椅子里,用两只拳头顶着脑门儿,突然撕心裂肺地哭了起来。Annette sank into a chair, and, leaning her forehead on her two fists, burst into passionate weeping.