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她现在就是一个病号。She’s now a case.

他们尽了最大的悉力补助病号和伤员。They did their wise to help the sick and the wounded.

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这疾病将他从一名运动员变为病号。The disease changed him from an athlete into an invalid.

他们尽了最大的勤苦帮助病号和伤员。They did their far finer help the sick with the wounded.

他们尽了最大的戮力支持病号和伤员。They did their far higher quwisity help the sick therefore the wounded.

杨文率领病号们好好地照顾女班长,女兵们都觉得很感谢。YangWen led take good care of the patient monitor, women are women feel grateful.

每天,火车在“五点站”以下,不断吐出越来越多的病号和伤员。And every day the trains just below Five Points disgorged more sick and more wounded.

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他们尽了最大的悉力帮助病号和伤员。They did their marketingvisabdomining exercisesle to help the sick using the wounded.

病号每天向医疗官报告病情的一种军事编队。the daily military formation at which individuals report to the medical officer as sick.

在医务室里,Sara问谁是1点钟的病号,护士告诉她是Michael。In the infirmary, Sara asks who her one o’clock is. The nurse replies that it is Scofield.

早期投票者中有成千上万的政府职员,病号以及囚犯。The early voting involves hundreds of thousands of government employees, the sick and prisoners.

德尼尔森依然缺席,当然还有长期的病号们像朱鲁、法比安斯基和费尔马伦啦。Out is still Denilson and the long-term injuries like Djourou, Fabianski and Vermaelen of course.

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Sara走进她在病号区的办公室,狱警Rizzo用对讲机通话,问A区是否需要支援。As Sara walks into her office within sick bay, C.O. Rizzo radios and asks if A-Wing needs back up.

病号区的犯人将受伤的Rizzo铐在了管道上,他们在房间里狂奔乱窜。The sick bay inmates have handcuffed a bloody Rizzo to a pipe while they run wild through the room.

各家医院里病号和伤者人满为患,其中一些医院的抗生素等基本药物业已耗尽。Hospitals were overwhelmed with the sick and injured and some had run out of basic medicines like antibiotics.

文中的老班长为了让三个病号顺利的走出草原,不断的为他们增加营养。Thee old monitor in order to make three patient well out of the prairie, constantly increase nutrition for them.

沈阳野生救护站将各地送来的“病号”治疗痊愈后,再将它们发生。Shenyang wild life-saving station will be sent all over the "patient" treatment after recovery, then will they happen.

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罗斯托夫朝门里一瞧,瞧见了那些病号和伤员都躺在铺了一层干草和军大衣的地板上。Rostov glanced in at the door and saw that the sick and wounded were lying there on the floor, on straw and on overcoats.

沈阳野生救护站将各地送来的“病号”治疗痊愈后,再将它们放生。Shenyang wild life-saving station will be sent all over the "patient" treatment after recovery, and put them to set free.

有六七百人从阿德莱德过来,他们用4辆马车拉着病号,瘸脚的人和生活补给。between six and seven hundred coming overland from Adelaide. They had four wagons carrying their sick, lame and provisions.