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你可以在这里阅读的论文预印本。You can read a preprint of the paper here.

感谢您将你的否定论文的预印本发给我。Thank you for sending me the preprint of your Disproof.

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珠利用炭笔及铅笔在印本上素描。Ivy Ma made sketches on prints with charcoal and pencil.

新结果发表在了arXiv.org预印本服务器的论文上。The new results appear in a paper on the preprint server.

电子预印本是一种开放的学术信息交流媒介。E-print is an open communication intermedium of scholarly information.

无论是自存档预印本,还是后印本都受到版权问题的制约。Both Self- archiving Preprint and Postprint were all restricted by copyright.

该文随后将发表于该杂志2009年1月29日印本。The material will appear in the the journal's printed issue on 29 January 2009.

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如果我们没有收到随您的校对稿一起发回的订单,那么我们将认为您不需要选印本。If the Form is not received with your proofs we will assume that you do not require offprints.

除了印本出版品之外,图书馆现在购买若干电子图书和电子期刊。Besides printed publications, libraries now buy content in the form of e-books and electronic journals.

任何一个版本之前预印本侪审查和出版物,通常的版本提交给期刊。A preprint is any version prior to peer review and publication usually the version submitted to a journal.

在阐述电子预印本的历史及优势基础上,分析了电子预印本的保存问题。Based on expounding the history and advantages of e-prints, this paper probes into the storage of e-prints.

论文探讨了我国电子预印本系统的现状、存在问题和发展策略。This paper probes into the current situation, problems and countermeasures of the E-print Archive in china.

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论述电子预印本系统虽然无同行评议,但仍具较高学术水平的原因。This paper firstly discusses the reasons why e-preprint system still has higher academic level without peer review.

这种新系统背离传统出版惯例,图书馆不能继续保有印本图书或论文的权利。This new system is in contrast to traditional publishing, where libraries kept the right of the printed book or article.

德国社会科学家也很少使用开放近用服务的第二个出版品的出版文件或预印本。German social scientists also rarely use Open Access servers for second publications of published documents or of preprints.

预印本”表明,为了争夺同一份报酬验证人具有扣留必要信息传递的动机。A preprint suggests that verifiers competing for the same reward have an incentive to withhold the information needed to do so.

与印本图书馆冏异的是,它们没有永久典藏在图书馆内,让读者一遍又一遍地使用。In contrast to printed books, these may not be stored in the library permanently and made available to users over and over again.

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美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校的物理学家克利福德·威尔是一位相对论专家,他认为预印本”相当有趣“。Physicist Clifford Will of Washington University in St Louis, a specialist on relativity, considers the preprint "very interesting".

成书不久,各种手抄本和印本很快在民间流传开来,连皇宫也不例外。Upon its completion, various versions both hand-written and printed spread widely among the populace, and even to the Emperor's palaces.

为了更好地存储印本馆藏,满足读者的需求,建设储备书库是图书馆必不可少的工作之一。In order to reserve the print collections and meet the demand of readers better, the construction of the storage is indispensable for libraries.