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在和风中摇晃。It sways in the breeze.

里面低音边和风箱。Inside bass side and bellows.

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和风怎能骑在驴身上?How could a zephyr ride an ass?

风平静下来,阵阵和风微微地吹拂着。The wind calmed to a soft breeze.

这样迟谁在黑夜和风中奔驰?Wer reitet so sp?t durch Nacht und Wind?

如六月和风,她伴你飞起。Like June's warm breath, athwart thee fly.

天气很温暖,伴着一丝和风。The weather was warm with a gentle breeze.

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温暖的和风表明春天的到来。Warm breezes index the approach of spring.

MMR代表麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹。MMR stands for measles, mumps, and rubella.

天气很温暖,伴着一丝和风。The weather was wamp3 with a gentle breeze.

当和风甜美的气息挟着生机。When Zephyr also has with his sweet breath.

种子生长靠地,水,火和风。Budding rests upon earth, water, fire, and wind.

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这些坏小子为什么来和风之城作对呢?What do the bad guys have against the Windy City?

赤裸裸的四肢,赤裸裸的树木和风如咸盐般刺激?Bare limbs, bare trees and a wind as sharp as salt?

从海上吹来的和风令我非常惬意。I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea.

雨和风来得更猛,屋顶是滑溜溜的。The wind and rain redoubled, the roof was slippery.

当和风兴奋地涤荡污垢时,它就是风暴。When peace is active sweeping its dirt, it is storm.

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一些泥砖屋和风塔已改装为画廊和餐厅。A few have been turned into galleries and restaurants.

三月刮和风,雨下四月里,五月风光多美丽。A windy march and a rainy April makes a beautiful May.

黑夜、全地球和风,循入它们的命运。The night, the state, the wind spin away their destiny.