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父皇在圣旨中叫其捉拿反贼。The father in the imperial decree that its take back the thief.

于是她下了一道“圣旨”,要求全国的人们都把镜子砸了。And then she gave a "royal order" and commanded all the people to smash their mirrors.

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从他的妻子到他的仆人都始终让他相信他的话就是圣旨。His wife and servants always let him believed that what he said were right all the time.

圣旨门广场宽66米,深66米,暗喻“六六”大顺之意。Shenzhimen Plaza is 66 meters wide, 66 meters deep, connoting the meaning of smoothness.

他遣散姬妾仆从,在圣旨到来之前,就非常“及时”地郁郁而死了。He dispersed concubines and servants, “timely” died of grief before the proclamation arrived.

在这里,这就是我作为一个球员的圣旨,也是对将来所有在这里踢球的球员的指引。It's been my guideline here as a player and it will be players guideline here in the future also.

趁着皇后驾崩的机会,侯建中假制圣旨来到了杨秀被关押的地方。The queen died opportunity, HouJianZhong false system the decree came to YangXiu imprisoned place.

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议长先生,上个周五,我受到国王陛下的圣旨,受命组建新一届政府。Mister Speaker, on Friday evening last I received His Majesty's commission to form a new Administration.

杨广设计陷害李渊的计划不成又生一计,不久之后颁发一道圣旨给李渊。YangGuang design frame LiYuan plan fails and give birth to a meter, shortly after issued a decree to LiYuan.

我一听,像接了加功晋爵的圣旨,也不管自己的病一直不见轻的现状了,高兴得拿了药、哼着歌出了医院。When I heard that, I took my medicine and went out hospital humming song in despite of my state of the illness.

明代上堡古国武烈王李天保曾下圣旨将其定为国茶。Wulie King of Shangbao in Ming Dynasty, Li Tianbao, had issued the decree to prescribe the Qingqianliu as the national tea.

金牌正面中间刻有“金榜题名”四个大字,与图中圣旨十字相交,形如一个“中”字。Gold MEDALS positive inscribed "gold placard nomination among" four characters, and diagram decree cross intersection, shaped like a "in" word.

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但事实恰恰相反,尼克松来到北京,就好像请求觐见一样,焦急地等待着皇帝的传唤,倾听圣旨。Instead, Nixon turned up in Beijing as a supplicant, waiting anxiously to be summoned to the emperor's side, listening to tutorials in strategy.

作者认为那位过敏科医生的字条简直就是圣旨,但其中提供的信息不太可能有多稀罕的价值。Although this man thinks the allergist’s note was a message from Jehovah, it’s not likely that the information in it was that unique of valuable.

他遣散姬妾仆从,在圣旨到来之前,就非常“及时”地郁郁而死了。Also, severe prosecution was to follow. He dismissed his concubines and servants, and timely died in melancholy just before the imperial edict came.

表演结束后,浙江总督告知使者,依据圣旨,他们可以游览西湖。After the performance the governor informed the ambassador that in accordance with the Imperial order they were to be given a grand tour of West Lake.

当主教说离婚是反对菲律宾的行为,为离婚立法就是对婚姻制度的贬低的时候,人们就把主教的话奉为圣旨。And when the bishops say that divorce is anti-Filipino, and to legalise it would be to cheapen the institution of marriage, people take that message seriously.

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大部分铭文为神谕圣旨,内容大都与政治事件和宗教活动有关,有些则是关于天气和战争的记录。These writings are incisions on bones and tortoise shell. Most of the inscriptions are oracular, dealing mostly with political and religious events, or with weather or warfare.

还有阿甘在回忆越战行军的时候,原本暴雨滂沱,突然东海龙王下了停雨圣旨,即刻阳光绚烂等等镜头。Forrest Gump Vietnam War march in memory also when the torrential rain had suddenly stopped the East China Sea Dragon King, under the rain sacred, so instantly gorgeous sun lenses.

次年春天,天牛假传圣旨之事泄漏,玉皇以欺君之罪贬天牛管理南天门粮仓,派天兵天将到人间抢走所有口粮和种子。The following year, spring, beetles leave the matter of imperial Chuan leakage, the Jade Emperor banished to Motsch. management granary, send Tianbing days will go away all human food and seeds.