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因而习用障碍一词来概括。Thus the term to summarize conventional barriers.

习语是一种语言所特有的习用表达方法。Idioms is an authentic way of expression in any language.

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动物学习用它们的脚爪揿按开关。The animals learned to press switch levers with their paws.

这是国际商业中习用的付款方式。This is the accustomed terms of payment in all-embracing business.

这是国际贸易中习用的付款步骤。This is the normis terms of payment in internis online coair conditioningh business.

如果你想搞出一些花样,你可以学习用其他的语言来说祝福的话。If you want to get fancy then you can learn to say congratulations in another language.

低浓度培养基较过去习用浓度培养基更有利于微生物的培养和分离。Liquid media were better than solid ones in term of growing maximal number of bacteria.

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目的探讨川产习用金银花的抑菌作用。Objective To research the antibacterial activity of varieties of Flos Lonicerae produced in Sichuan.

目的对安徽民间习用药材鬼针草进行生药学鉴定,为其制定质量标准提供参考依据。Objective To identify Bidens bipinnata L. , for providing the scientific evidence of quality standard.

辣椒和芥末既是习用麻醉剂又是舒缓放松肌肉僵硬和疼痛的高渗治疗剂。Chili and mustard work as both a local anesthetic and a deep-heat treatment to ease stiff and painful muscles.

本文拟订的供磷能力分等标准比农田习用的要低得多。The soil criteria of P supplying ability worked out here were much lower than that commonly used for farmland.

目的报道武当山地区习用“还阳类”中草药资源的品种、来源与功效。Objective To report breed, resource and efficacy of general all purpose"Huanyang" medical herbs resource from Mt.

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据悉,该经书是于1475年传到朝鲜,被当时对曹洞宗非常感兴趣的朝鲜学者金时习用汉字抄写,并标注。When the shiphyeondam came to Korea, it was rewritten in Chinese characters by Kim, along with his own notes in 1475.

客观与主观乃是人人习用的流行的方便名词,用这些名词时,自易引起混淆。Objective and subjective are convenient expressions in current use, the employment of which may easily lead to confusion.

最后,我们会修习用在重复性赛局的递迴法,这在契约论和总体经济学中很有用。Finally, we will go over a recursive method for repeated games that has proven useful in contract theory and macroeconomics.

所谓客观在日常生活习用的语言中,大都是指存在于我们之外的事物,并从外面通过我们的知觉而达到的事物。In the language of common life we mean by objective what exists outside of us and reaches us from without by means of sensation.

结论为川产习用金银花的利用和深入研究提供了科学参考。ConclusionThe results provide some references for the utility and further study of varieties of Flos Lonicerae produced in Sichuan.

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本文对习用的心率、血压、尿量、中心静脉压等监护参数的临床意义从理论及经验上进行了分析。The importance of routine monit of heart rate, blood pressure, urinary output and central venous pressure is discussed in this paper.

长期以来,在西方音乐体系里较多习用宏观分类法和微观分类法这一对乐器分类观念和方法。The music instrument classification generally used the conception and method of macroscopic and submicroscopic in the West music system for long time.

我找到一个很好的方法去清除感情行李就是练习用大脑去甩掉它们,这样你可以在10-15分钟内去除这些情绪。I found a great way to clear emotional baggage is to use the brain dumping exercise, where you dump your emotions in a journal for about 10-15 minutes.