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那是她的特点。That was her trait.

这是个非常突出的特点。It's very prominent.

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粘滞阻尼器的特点。Features of Viscous Damper.

只读光盘具有许多特点。It has quite a few features.

那些名山是各有各的特点。And each has its own features.

异常可以被认为是一个特点。Abnormality can become a feature.

他没有把奥赛罗这个角色的特点充分表现出来。He underacted the part of Othello.

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这正是孵化项目的特点。The nature of incubations is that.

你最好的三个特点是什么?What are your three best features?

真英雄的特点是谦恭。The mark of a true hero is humility.

这些出口商有两个特点。These exporters come in two flavors.

各种途径都体现了这一特点。This manifests in all kinds of ways.

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他利用了她脾气好这个特点。He took advantage of her good nature.

基诺族的服装是很有特点的。Jino costumes have distinct features.

本文侧重讨论CGL的特点。This paper deals mainly with the CGL.

使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。Cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

按照月经周期给药治疗为突出特点。Dose according to the catamenia cycle.

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具有顽固性和复发性的特点。The trait is stubborn and recuperative.

这些东西有什么共同特点?And what do these things have in common?

确定专利的设计特点。BB. Identify patentable design features.