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让机器去完成那些烦人的工作。Let the machine do the dirty work.

不要学我了,你可真烦人。Stop monkeying me. You are so annoyed.

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但是现在开始有些烦人了。But this is starting to get bothersome.

他们认为多嘴多舌的女孩特烦人。They think a girl who gossips is a bore.

蚊子真烦人,弄得我睡不了觉!Mosquitoes are nuisance and I can't sleep!

他有什么吸引你的,他很烦人。What attracts you to him? He is so boring.

她会是你遇到的最烦人的舍友。She would be the most annoying roommate EVER.

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我们都和有烦人朋友的人约会过。We've all dated people with annoying friends.

我能感觉到他们烦人的目光直射着我的背。I could feel their stares boring into my back.

我要家庭,结果生了一堆烦人的孩子。I wanted a family and sired a bunch of tyrants.

你们两个吵来吵去真烦人--快打住吧!I'm sick of you two squabbling just cut it out!

烦人的虫子!现在让你尝尝我的怒火!Meddlesome insects! Now you will feel my wrath!

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你们两个吵来吵去真烦人。快打住吧!I got sick of you two squabbling just cut it out !

另一些人,通常是女人们,却毕恭毕敬的,也挺烦人的。Others, usually the women, are annoyingly reverent.

那些吵闹的猫在夜深时分真烦人。Those noisy cats are great annoyance late at night.

水螅是美丽的,但一丁点烦人的生物。Hydra are beautiful, but a wee bit annoying creatures.

每一天干同一种任务是挺烦人的。It's a problem to do differerent thing eextremecclyday.

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最烦人的是,我讨厌每天和那些扑克脸说话。Above all, I hate talking to those poker faces everyday.

我在日内瓦扭伤了脚,这是一个烦人的问题。I had a sprained my foot in Geneva, an annoying problem.

醋也帮助我们祛除那些烦人的臭味。It also helps remove those odors that can be irritating.