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李开复,中国的年轻人对其一举一动都趋之若鹜。Young Chinese follow Kaifu Lee`s every move.

投资者对它趋之若鹜,到后来,却是割肉者无数。Investors rush to it, then it is those countless resort.

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在邻近的孟加拉国,月食观察家出来趋之若鹜。In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.

并且,他们工作的地方有很多性感热辣的宝贝,这些宝贝们对他们趋之若鹜。Plus, they work around so many smoking hot babes who look up to them.

不赌博的人害怕涉足的地方,那些赌徒可能反而趋之若鹜。Where a non-gambler fears to tread the compulsive gambler may rush in.

尽管WSP控股下调了募股价,但投资者并未因此趋之若鹜。Investors didn't flock to WSP even after it reduced its offering price.

相反,跟原油一样,它们的走势似乎主要与投机者的趋之若鹜有关。Instead, as with crude oil, this seems to be mainly about speculators jumping in.

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由于房价的猛涨,开发商和投机者仍然对盖房子趋之若鹜。With prices rising at that pace, developers and speculators have rushed to build.

罗杰,他在临刑前的一句话让人们趋之若鹜奔向大海。Roger in his pre-sentence before execution so that people are flocking towards the sea.

莎士比亚剧中的这些令人捧腹的情节不正是一个精明的制片人所趋之若鹜的吗!Shakespeare's farcical twists and turns aren't anything a clever producer couldn't think of.

这也很可能是为什么全球投资者都对农田趋之若鹜——这是新的增长产业。That’s probably why investors around the globe are flocking to farmland as the new growth industry.

阿萨内觉得朵索卖点心让很多男孩子都趋之若鹜,朵索安抚了他,说自己也爱他。Athar think one cable in selling snacks, for many of the boys flower soothed him, said he also loved him.

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在之后的许多年里,马尔代夫成为游客们趋之若鹜的天堂,其中不乏世界著名领袖和名人。And the guest books fill with the signatures of world-famous leaders and celebrities in the years to come.

但这些诱人的新股发行活动依至沓来,中国公司依然对此趋之若鹜。But those tempting IPOs keep coming, and corporate investors are still lining up. No one inside China Inc.

德国柏林的螺旋桨岛城市别墅的房间装饰非常异想天开,是游客们趋之若鹜的地方。In Berlin, Germany, the Propeller Island City Lodge is a go-to place for travellers who enjoy whimsical decor.

尽管如此,人类世界,精灵世界,魔界无不为之疯狂,趋之若鹜。All the same, the human kingdom, eidolon kingdom, and devildom were still crazed about it and scrambled for it.

在2008年11月28日的那天早上,在全美各地,对打折趋之若鹜的人们双眼紧盯得保安和门卫都不敢与他们对视。On that morning of November 28, 2008, bargain-hungry crowds were staring down guards and doormen across America.

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尽管现在的借款利率已达最低,但这并不意味着消费者就会趋之若鹜,抓住这一机会大把地借钱。It's one of the cheapest times to borrow but it's not as if consumers are flocking to cash in on low interest rates.

2009年引入设有路边咖啡桌的行人区后,时报广场更成为游客趋之若鹜的游览景点。Pedestrian-only areas with café tables introduced in 2009 have only made it easier and more appealing to hang out here.

高速物流市场对重型卡车的趋之若鹜,给东风商用车一次华丽转身的机会。High-speed logistics market scrambles for heavy trucks, letting Dongfeng commercial vehicle have the opportunity to turn about.