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你稳操胜券,不要错过这个机会。You have the ball at your feet, don't miss the chance.

尽管马英九在民调中领先,但他还不能说是稳操胜券。Despite Ma's lead in the polls, he's not yet a shoo-in.

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他认为在他与霍利菲尔德的比赛中他将稳操胜券。He thought he would slam-dunk to compete with Hollifield.

不过,看起来更为稳健的银行并非稳操胜券.The seemingly healthier banks, however, are not home free.

只要别往沙发后面看。你已经稳操胜券了,亲爱的。Yes, just don't look behind sofa. Now, you're a shoo-in, darling.

有了这些啦啦队的支持和一个月的训练,我们可谓是稳操胜券。With the support of the cheerleaders and one month of training, we would be a shoo-in.

讨论你觉得稳操胜券的人,嘿,老兄,喜剧已经落幕了,我的意思是说,拜托,谈谈你奉子成婚的事儿吧。Oh buddy, the comedy recession is over. I mean, come on, talk about your shotgun marriage.

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假如有个优厚的公共职位,我还没得到,但是我也不会认为我稳操胜券。If it were a paid public office, I wouldn't run for the position, even though I'm a shoo-in.

我们的大门总是打开的,有了这些稳操胜券的筹码,你也可以让我们打开钱包了。Our door is always open, and with these things in the bag, you might get us to open our wallet too.

印象深刻的保守党人提议她作为达特福的候选人,工党对这一席位是稳操胜券的。Impressed Tory officials proposed her as their candidate for Dartford, then a safe Labor seat in Kent.

要说这位后现代电影讽刺大师所要打算的事情绝非这般简单,则稳操胜券。It is a safe bet that the master of post-modern cinematic irony intended nothing so simplistic as this.

碳骑士们,现在我们已经稳操胜券,在下希望大家加倍努力。Knights Carbonic, now that the hour of our triumph is at hand, I urge you all to redouble your efforts.

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民主党总统候选人往往能在纽约州、加利福尼亚州和马萨诸塞州稳操胜券。A Democratic presidential candidate could probably count on winning New York, California, and Massachusetts.

讨论你觉得稳操胜券的人,嘿,老兄,喜剧已经落幕了,我的意思是说,拜托,谈谈你奉子成婚的事儿吧。Talk about your . Oh buddy, the comedy recession is over. I mean, come on, talk about your shotgun marriage.

我们队本垒在第九局上来了个满垒打后,对这次比赛我们已经是稳操胜券了。After our team hit a home run with the bases loaded in the top of the ninth, the game was all but in the bag.

遭遇一个小恶魔、一点小挫折、几张空头支票和小误会之后,你就稳操胜券了。One small little demon , one minor setback, some bounced check or minor misunderstanding and then you are home free.

讨论你觉得稳操胜券的人,嘿,老兄,喜剧已经落幕了,我的意思是说,拜托,谈谈你奉子成婚的事儿吧。Talk about your dream ticket. Oh buddy, the comedy recession is over. I mean, come on, talk about your shotgun marriage.

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记者采访了两位肢体语言的专家,他们在观看了周二晚上总统候选人辩论之后认为奥巴马已经稳操胜券了。Two body language experts who watched Tuesday night's debate said in interviews that they thought Obama was the clear winner.

还有西弗吉尼亚州──我们看到该州的投票趋势发生变化,民主党人的处境越来越难,而他们过去一直在这个州稳操胜券。West Virginia — we’re seeing its voting patterns change and getting hard for Democrats, and it used to be a safe Democratic state.

要说这位后现代电影讽刺大师所要打算的事情绝非这般简单,则稳操胜券。但他到底打算做什么呢?It is a safe bet that the master of post-modern cinematic irony intended nothing so simplistic as this. But what, then, did he intend?