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永恒宁非是刹那时光。And eternity in an hour.

在刹那生命可以精彩。And in shart measures life may perfect be.

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任何事件都发生在刹那之间。Any affairs takes place between the in a flash.

她拥有丰沛,地狱也无法刹那褫夺她整个生命。She had so much, earth could not claim the whole.

上帝刹那作为远胜世人千年工夫。God can do more in a moment than man in a millenium.

让她的笑容在刹那之间凝固?Let her smile at the moment between the solidification?

刹那的喧闹嘲笑永恒的乐章。The noise of moment scoffs at the music of the eternal.

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爱似糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受刹那甜蜜的错觉。Love like sugar, I bolt, enjoy the moment sweet illusion.

我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。My life-long wait for your moment of gazing does not come.

对于这种“似曾相识”,整个过程仅发生在刹那之间。As with deja vu, this entire process happens in a split second.

会有一种刹那芳华、瞬间生死寂灭的质感。There will be a moment of youth, instant death Quietus texture.

就在这刹那所有的一切变的更加直观,这是个可视媒体。It's all in ones to make it more visual-this is a visual medium.

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把天空无尽握于手掌,永恒宁非是刹那时光。Hold infinity in the plain of your hand, And Eternity in on hour.

顿悟的刹那,你会领悟到如果你索取过的过多,即便是阳光也会灼伤你。After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.

刹那之间又是那个不可名状的黑影,一闪而过,那究竟是个什么影子呢?What was the nameless shadow which again in that one instant had passed?

爱似糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受刹那甜蜜的错觉。Love like sugar, I bolted to swallow and enjoy the moment sweet illusion.

相遇的刹那,永恒的遗忘深渊里,闪闪的光芒在浮泛着。Meet the moment, the eternal oblivion abyss, sparkling light beamed with.

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就在那个刹那,那个当下,那个瞬间,叫唤之声传遍了整个梵天。So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma world.

我们只是在一旁看著,只要一有什麽刹那生起,马上知道并且看见它。We just watch there. As soon as something arises in a flash, know and see it.

第一天初抵埔里,踏出车外的刹那,一阵清香扑鼻而来。Day 1. The moment I stepped out of the bus in Puli , I felt the aroma in the air.