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取得时效制度是一项古老的法律制度。Usucaption regime is an ancient law system.

保证期间属于除斥期间,不属于诉讼时效性质。It does not belong to the limitation of action in nature.

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地方检察官说,斯坦并没有超过追诉时效。The D. A. said that Stein had not lived through the limit.

但已登记的,笔者认为不能适用登记取得时效。But if registered, it cannot apply to registered usucaption.

锯齿密度也因时效而稍许减小。The density and shape of the serrations are changed by aging.

所以,取得时效制度具有稳定经济秩序的功能。So the usucaption has the function of protect the economy order.

我国的民事诉讼时效是民事法律制度中的一项重要内容。China's civil litigation system is an important part of civil law.

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时效态钢中奥氏体主要为逆转变奥氏体。The austenite in the steel after aging is mainly reverted austenite.

机械时效处理后的性能的改变是冷加工和时效的综合结果。Straining and aging is the combined effect of cold working and aging.

寄件至新加坡非主要城市或偏远地区,时效将有所差异。Transit time will be delayed if deliver to remote areas in Singapore.

从中断时起,诉讼时效期间重新计算。A new limitation shall be counted from the time of the discontinuance.

如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济.If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress.

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在调查分析的基础上,提出取消灰铁热时效的看法。The production of gray iron casting without thermal aging was suggested.

消灭时效制度源自古罗马裁判官法。The extinctive prescription system stems from praetor-law of ancient Rome.

天气状况变幻莫测,使得飞行前的天气信息失去时效。Weather conditions can change quickly, making preflight briefings obsolete.

我国的民法典草案中已经规定了取得时效制度。China's Civil Code of the draft has made the acquisitive prescription system.

寄件至韩国或新加坡非主要城市或偏远地区,时效将有所差异。Transit time will be delayed if deliver to remote areas in Korea or Singapore.

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可见,对诉讼时效制度功效所带来的后果自不在言。It is thus clear that, the result brought by action limitation is self-evident.

供应TDK规格时效探针,可以订做其它规格。TDK aging probe supply specifications can be customized to other specifications.

其他依法不适用诉讼时效规定的债权请求权。Any other claim to which the provisions on statute of limitations are inapplicable.