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我是股票经纪人,托莎,你呢。I'm a stock broker, Tosha, and you.

然后我会讲经纪业Then I want to talk about brokerages.

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然后,我将讨论一下经纪业务。Then I want to talk about brokerages.

天津金谷期货经纪有限公司。Tianjin jingu future broking co. ltd.

加里同股票经纪业务有些关系。Gary has something to do with stockbroking.

合法公民,遵纪守法,无经纪合约在身。Legal citizens, law-abiding, non-brokerage contract.

你透过边一种途径黎选择期货经纪?Through which channel do you select a futures broker?

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存款为支付,节省,或经纪业而存起来的钱。Money deposited for checking savings or brokerage use.

期货经纪合同属于行纪合同。Futures broking contract is a type of broking contract.

我相信我的股票经纪人会帮你找出一些好股票。I bet my broker could sniff out some good ones for you.

他受股票经纪人之托来挽救这家公司。He was put in to rescue the company by the stockbrokers.

在一家股票经纪办事处当一名行情报价学徒。I got a job as quotation-board boy in a stock brokerage office.

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其次,期货经纪行为是行纪行为。Secondly, the performance of futures broking is a broking behavior.

很喜欢这个地区,这一条商店街,于是去找地产经纪。So I went to a realtor. And I liked this area, the shopping street.

例如贝尔斯登,那个最近倒闭的经纪自营商。For example Bear Stearns which is a broker-dealer failed recently.

我们马上打给经纪约了去看房子.We immediately called the real estate agent and made an appointment.

父亲霍华德是一名股票经纪人,担任过四届美国国会议员。His father was a stockbroker and four-term United States congressman.

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将我的经纪帐户转移给史考特证券。请将邮寄表格给我。Transfer my brokerage account to Scottrade. Please send me the forms.

合并期间,本公司及各营业部经纪业务照常进行。Merger, the Company and the Department of brokerage business as usual.

但是如果你重组的是可征税的经纪账户,你就会受制于收税。If it’s a taxable brokerage account, then you will be subject to taxes.