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就是要这样子。This is it.

我就是老学不会。I never can.

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是的,是的,-我就是想弄清楚。,You,are,,you,are。,–Just be clear.

橘柑就是橘色。Just an orange!

那这个鼓点就是So the beat is.

迩就是苊德上帝。You are my god.

第一个就是许晴。First is Xuqing.

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许愿就是债,欠了不容赖。Promise is debt.

死亡就是终结。Death is the end.

许愿就是债,欠了不容赖。Promisee is debt.

没错儿,就是这俚。Right here it is.

这位呢就是林则徐。This is Lin Zexu.

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她就是秋香!She is Chou-heung.

不过追赶一条死狗,一个虼蚤就是了。A dead dog? A flea?

戏台不就是戏台嘛。A stage is a stage.

节约就是赚钱。To save is to get.

但不要过分依仗它,灵活运用就是了。And don't overdo it.

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咱就是不信书本上的东西。I don't trust books.

理想就是航标。Ideal is the beacon.

开上坡道就是了。Just go up the ramp.