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许多电影在这里取景拍摄。Many movies have been shot here.

你是你相机最好的取景器.You are your cameras best viewfinder!

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要注意你取景器中的画面。Be sensitive to the scene in your viewfinder.

想象取景器中一点一点移动的栅格。Imagine a tick-tack-toe grid in your viewfinder.

影片大部分在曼哈顿取景。Fosse shot the film largely on location in Manhattan.

把背带穿过取景器盖和肩垫。American footballers wear shoulder-pads for protection.

他希望电影取景在纽约能够变得合理,He wants to make it reasonable to make movies in New York City

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它在所有M镜头中组合取景对焦距离最近。7片。It has the closest RF coupled focusing of any M lens. 7 elements.

取景时我们会多加色彩或用特殊方式加重处理。Our framing adds color or accentuates the subject in unique ways.

确保有植物如草、树的叶子占满整个取景器。Make sure to just have green grass covering the entire viewfinder.

如果是普通相机的话,你则是通过一个独立的取景器来观察呈像。With point-and-shoot cameras, you look through a separate viewfinder.

在跟踪或取景,框架将较轻的蓝色。After tracking or keyframing, frames will turn a lighter shade of blue.

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但是你马上就可在取景器中查看。But you can check it right away by just looking through the viewfinder.

电子取景器清晰度还无法和光学取景器相比。Electronic viewfinders cannot match the clarity of a good optical finder

那就是我为什么最初选择东北作为我作品取景的原因。That was the reason I initially chose Dongbei as the setting for my work.

本发明还公开了一种对取景器中图像的处理装置。This invention also discloses a process device for images in viewfinders.

当按压预景深自动曝光锁定按钮时,取景器相将变暗。The viewfinder image will darken when the previewAE lock button is pressed.

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使用单反相机的好处是显而易见的,你在取景时就可以读到曝光值。The advantage of SLRs is that you can see the flare when you frame the image.

电子取景器比一般入门单反光学取景器更大。Electronic viewfinders usually larger than entry-level SLR optical viewfinders

寻找增加你的这种整体感觉的元素并通过取景器观察。Look for elements that will reinforce your feeling and convey it to the viewer.