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他们硬是在政策问题上没有达成一致。They simply couldn't get together on matters of policy.

我本想留下来,可她硬是把我拉走帮她买东西。I wanted to stay, but she dragged me off to help her shop.

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但是被烧糊涂的周青青却硬是折腾了尤斌一个晚上。But it just burned muddled Zhou Qingqing YouBin up a night.

喉间硬是痒得出奇,思一吐为快。He will have a terrible itch in his throat—itch to speak out.

为了开脱宋押司硬是要把他做替罪羊。For absolving Song escort department want and the scapegoat are made by him actually.

这时,对事物不要控制太多,不要硬是控制超出能力范围的事物。It's about "releasing control" or not trying to control things beyond your abilities.

然而王母冷酷无情,最后硬是拆散了这对恩爱夫妻。But the Queen Mother of ruthless, and finally he just break up this pair of happy couples.

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乔一边嘀咕着,一边鼓起眼珠子伸手往空中抓,硬是像她见过的著名悲剧演员表演的那样。muttered Jo, rolling her eyes and clutching at the air, as she had seen a famous tragedian do.

咽了口口水,白启硬是将目光从温酒上移开,自顾自地总结道。Swallowed saliva, the white Qi simply moves vision to open from Wen Jiu, selfishly summary way.

从购票到排队、安检、登船,硬是用去了两个半小时。It took two and half hours to buy ticket, waited in long long line, security checks, boarded on.

纪叔纪叔,我刚才说看见娶亲的队伍,他们俩硬是不相信我啊。Uncle Ji's uncle Ji, the troops that I just say to see marry, two of them simply don't believe me.

面对肘样的指责,许多人芳会登职的,然而他却留下并硬是挺了过赖。A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed out.

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面对这样的指责,许多人都会辞职的,然而他却留下并硬是挺了过来。A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed it out.

他饭后衔着一根牙签,红光满面,硬是觉得可以骄人。After the meal, sporting a toothpick between their teeth, they will be glowing with smug satisfaction.

鹰压根儿没拿区区的屎壳郎放在眼里,硬是当着他的面把兔子吞吃了。But the eagle, disdaining his small size and insignificance, devoured the hare as the beetle looked on.

在儿子诺亚出生后的十一天内,丹尼尔无法想象硬是强迫自己回去工作。Eleven days after his son Noah was born, Daniel cannot imagine tearing himself away to go back to work.

在太行山区一个名叫窦马庄的材子,群众抓住了一个地主的狗腿子,硬是用石块把他给砸死了。In the Taihang Mountains, the village of Toumachuang seized a dog leg and beat him to death with stones.

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面包变硬是由淀粉分子间的结晶作用引起的,在低温条件下,这一过程会加速。Staleness is caused by crystallization of the starch molecules, which occurs faster at cool temperatures.

无论你的头发是硬是软,这种发型都能展示你的性感、青春和活泼。It does not matter if the curls are tight or soft, the Afro always conveys sexiness, lushness and vivacity.

铁峰见状,率领大家开始反冲锋,一阵猛烈的攻击,硬是撕开一道口子冲了出去。Iron peak said, led everyone began to charge, a fierce attack, just to tear apart a laceration blunt go out.