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受伤是荣誉?Honor in bruises?

你的鼻子受伤了吗?Does your noes hurt?

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他有一条腿受伤了。He has an injured? leg.

这谆鸟的左宇受伤了。The bird's wing was hurt.

我的腿疼,它受伤了。My leg is sore , it hurts.

感谢上帝,没有人受伤。Thank God nobody got hurt.

他由于腿部受伤而缺席。He is out with leg injuries.

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没人在火里受伤。Nobody got hurt in the fire.

一只翅膀受伤的云雀。Skylark wounded in the wing.

即便是受伤也要实事求是。Be truthful even if it hurts.

这条鱼的尾鳍受伤了。The fish's tail fin was hurt.

这匹马差点使他受伤。The horse nearly injured him.

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受伤的手腕肿起来了。The injured wrist swelled up.

血从受伤处喷出来。The wound was spurting blood.

一只翅膀受伤的云雀。A Skylark wounded in the wing.

我不笨,我只是受伤了。I am not stupid, I am wounded.

我撞到人了,对方受伤了。I hit someone. He's been hurt.

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深汗受伤,但幸免于难。Khan was wounded but survived.

没有,没有受伤,只是情绪有点不稳。No, no, I'm just a little uet.

士兵由于受伤不治而死。The soldier died from a wound.