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这件事要看你的了,你必须拿主意。The issue lies with you. You must decide.

要独立完成这项任务,我必须得自己拿主意怎么做。To perform this task on my own, I must decide how to do it.

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但愿她此刻能见到托伊,他会帮她拿主意的!If she could only see Troy now, he would help her to decide!

她正在犹豫不决,拿不定主意,除非被迫拿主意。She was dithering and wouldn't make up her mind unless forced to.

对于本周辩论各方论点的是非曲直,读者们必须自己拿主意。Readers must make up their own minds on the merits of the arguments this week.

而留意的人会发现,她全部全部自己拿主意。But anyone who paid attention to her self-creation knows that every idea is hers.

我们每天遇事都要拿主意,主意拿得对不对,会影响自己的生活,有时也影响别人的生活。Each day we make choices that affect our lives and, sometimes, the lives of others.

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让人们来选择他们自己钟意的房子,他们喜欢喝的汤,以及让他们自己拿主意。Let the people choose the kind of house, the kind of soup, the kind of ideas that they want.

这个可怜的妹子一旦成为时尚业制造的卖花女,就不能再自己拿主意了。The poor dear doesn't stand a chance when set upon by an industry of self-appointed Pygmalions.

不过,在拿主意前,请做下面的练习来发泄怨气。However, before you make that decision try the following exercise to help you to express your anger.

你要找男生朋友帮你拿主意,闺中蜜友是最不擅长决断的。You are looking for male friends help you with your mind, honey friend's apartment in the most decisive is not good.

大家这么一番议论,最后都把目光看向了萧荆山,等着他拿主意。Everyone's so some kind of discussions, the ends all penetrate vision to the mountain of Xiao Jing, wait he to take motif.

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而且,你娘在家虽是总拿主意的,但如果你爹肯开口,她一定会答应。And, your Niang though always take idea at home, but if your father is compliant to open jaws, she will definitely promise.

我和他的父亲建议他自己拿主意,毕竟他的未来取决于他自己的理想、兴趣和毅力。His father and I suggest that he make up his own mind and that his future depends on his own dream , interest and perseverence.

是否要给客户、供给商或办公室以外和你有业务关系的人买礼物,这就要你自己拿主意了。It's your call whether to buy gifts for clients, vendors or people you have a professional relationship with outside the office.

还有很多“做决定模型”可以在你觉得崩溃时帮你拿主意。There are other decision-making models out there, too, that can help you make up your mind if you’re paralyzed by too much information.

我不会告诉别人是否要检测,我只是告诉你我对于你情况的评估。再读下我上面的回复,自己拿主意。I do not tell people whether or not to be tested. I told you my assessment of the situation. Re-read my reply and make your own decision.

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当你拿到酒单时就可以迅速判断,且这会让你看起来像是很懂行而且是能迅速拿主意的人。By the time you are handed the list, you'll be able to make a snap judgment that will make it appear you know what you're doing and are a quick decision-maker to boot.

要尽早训练孩子自己拿主意的能力,大概可以从三四岁开始,教会孩子如何作选择,无论什么选择都可以,让他们问自己两个问题From as early on as possible, probably starting at around 3-4 years old, teach your child that when they make a choice – any choice at all – they should ask themselves two things

东方朔去央求黯熟官场要津的罗绮帮忙拿主意,可是罗绮似乎在有意让他体验官场凶险,每次都让他扑个空。Dongfangshuo to ask Luo Qi to help its dark officialdom familiar with your mind, but Luo Qi seemed interested in allowing him to experience officialdom dangerous, always let him draw a blank.