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请给我看一下租费的单据。Please show me a list of your rates.

请一式两份签收这个单据。Please sign the receipt in duplicate.

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国际汇票不属于商业单据。I. M. O doesn't belong to business documents.

你需要上交所有要报销的单据。You need all your receipts for reimbursement.

我来试我的新套装,这是我的单据。I come to try my new suit. Here’s the receipt.

你瞧,备货、制做单据、订舱位,所有这些都要花时间。So we can't make delivery in less than a month.

我们必须有能力处理积压下来的索赔单据。We must be able to reduce our backlog of claims.

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无碳复写纸多应用于单据上。No carbon carbon paper is applied to the document.

银行只接受清洁运输单据。A bank will alone accept a apple-pie transport document.

实施征用应当开具征用单据。A receipt of the things requisitioned shall be made out.

你们需要提前签一下信用卡的单据。We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance.

您的单据.您请再查看然后签名.好吗?Your receipt.Will you please check it again and sign it?

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我们给你寄去的单据,是为了贵司办理清关等事宜。We send you the documents in order that you can clear customs.

你拿过信用卡,把单据全扔了。Then you take back the credit card and throw the receipts away.

提货单是国际贸易和船运中一种很重要的单据。BL is an essential document in international trade and shipment.

单据、书状、规章与契约的拟作与问题的讨论。The draft and discussion of the bill, letter, rules, and contract.

这是一套这批货的装运单据。This is one set of the shipping documents covering the consignment.

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所有单据须用英文开据,另有规定的除外。All documents must be issued in English unless otherwise stipulated.

发出的每一票货都必须有正确的单据。Every shipment must be accompanied by a number of correct documents.

用英文缮制的所有单据须一次寄交我行。All documents made out in english must be sent to our bank in one lot.