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深色鹅绒夜当我俩合一。Deep velvet nights when we are one.

你居我衷里,我与你合一。Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.

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我简直无法形容魂体合一有多逆天。I cannot emphasize how amazing body and soul is.

最具有成本效益,全合一呼叫控制!Most cost-efficient, all-in-one call controller!

人文合一,美化环境。Integrate human and culture, beautify environment.

我只能在一体性、合一性、整体性中被体认到。I am only realized in oneness, unity, and wholeness.

为了合一,你们的个别性将会成长。Because of the becoming one, your individuality will grow.

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你可以享受生命,在一个敬虔合一的家里安息的生活。You can enjoy life, secure within a godly, unified family.

噫,连在静默地忆想上帝之时,你们也要合一。Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.

变革创新、知行合一是公司通向未来的路。The innovation, unifying the road to the future is company.

噫,连在静默的忆想上帝之时,你们也要合一。Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory or God.

这是普京今年第二次在公开场合一展歌喉。This is the second time this year Putin a singing in public.

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您是否愿意维护教会合一,不閒言閒语?Are you willing to protect the church unity by not gossiping?

大卫王用两种方式说明合一的喜乐。King David illustrates the pleasantness of unity in two ways.

天地人合一,方能成通天。The world person unites as one, then can become all-powerful.

就如同同“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶”,天人合一。As "ZhuangShengXiao fan butterfly dream", nature and humanity.

感受你现在进入到一种与地球完全合一的全然状态。Feel how you are coming into s state of Balance with the Earth.

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您若想要参与,不再必须满足是合一祝福给予者的条件。It is no longer necessary to be a deeksha giver to participate.

我们是深深的联系在一起的,存在一个我们完全是合一的层面。We are deeply related and there is a level at which we are one.

选中“两页合一”选项后,不能逆序打印。Word cannot reverse order print with 2- on -1 option turned on.