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我们不反对在无人居住的地区穷追猛打。We are not opposed to hot pursuit in uninhabited areas.

凭他长期的经验,他只要找到了破绽就能抓住不放,穷追猛打。And when such an opening came, he knew by long experience to play for it and to play hard.

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汪洋大海上,800艘波斯战舰穷追猛打希腊战船,数量远远落后的希腊战船步步后退。At sea the Persian armada of 800 vessels bore down on the retreating Greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered.

你进一步专业化,对于社会现象中的某一个方面穷追猛打地探究,而对所有其它东西不闻不问。You specialize even further, rigorous emphasis on a single aspect of society to the exclusion of all other thought.

它已经在衰退,他们的挫败在展现,所以他们在穷追猛打作为企图抓住它的最后一搏。Already it is declining and their frustration is showing as they hit out as a last desperate attempt to hold on to it.

但似乎他又惯于对每一位穷追猛打——无论对民主派,凡夫俗子,资本家,自由主义者还是消费者。Yet he seemed willing to lash out at everyone else as well —democrats, secularists, capitalists, liberals and consumers.

卢武铉支持者认为,李明博政府在调查贪污案上对卢穷追猛打,导致他自寻短见。Roh's supporters accuse the Lee administration of pushing Roh to his death through a vengeful and unfounded corruption investigation.

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从其它方面看,奥巴马并非是个勇士,他并不穷追猛打基地组织的步兵和指挥官,以及他们行事神秘的领导人。A reluctant warrior in other ways, he has not wavered in hunting down the foot soldiers and commanders of al-Qaeda as well as its elusive leader.

布什再次胜利当选之后两年,毫无生气的民主党穷追猛打之下,共和党一筹莫展。其原委如下。Two years after George Bush's triumphant re-election, the Republicans are stumbling to a pummelling by a lacklustre Democratic Party. Here's why.

他说,政府并不打算「穷追猛打那些分享音乐的青少年」,而是以大量拷贝档案牟利者为追缉的对象。While he said that the government had no interest in " hounding 14-year-olds who shared music", it was intent on tracking down those who made multiple copies for profit.

现在,比尔和凯特要鼓足勇气互相面对对方,认真去了解自己的孩子以及应付媒体的穷追猛打的各种问题。Now, Bill and Kate have to summon the courage to face each other, a serious effort to understand their children and to meet the media's hot pursuit of a variety of issues.

狗仔队对凯特进行了穷追猛打,公众期望看到更多她的照片和言谈,这一切都与威廉已故的母亲戴安娜王妃非常相似。With Kate already having been subjected to intense paparazzi scrutiny, expect to see many more pictures and words comparing and contrasting her to William's late mother Princess Diana.

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另外,就在此时此刻,我们的军队在支持我们的盟友日本,将伊拉克交由伊拉克人民治理,遏制塔利班在阿富汗的势头,在全球各地对“基地”组织穷追猛打。Meanwhile, as we speak, our troops are supporting our ally Japan, leaving Iraq to its people, stopping the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and going after al Qaeda all across the globe.