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古老的丝绸之路之旅。Journey the ancient Silk Road.

这条路是古丝绸之路的一段。It was part of the ancient Silk Road.

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绵阳科学城,丝绸之路。Mianyang Science City, the Silk Road.

对吧,古老的丝绸之路重新开启。Right? The old silk road is coming agian.

西安是丝绸之路的东端。Xi'an is the eastern end of the Silk Road.

“丝绸之路”约有一半的路段位于新疆内。About half of the road runs across Xinjiang.

在丝绸之路发现了许多木乃伊。Many mummies have been found in the Silk Road.

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公元前500年到公元500年之间的主要丝绸之路。The main silk roads between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D.

可能是通过海上丝绸之路来到广州的。May be to the sea through the Silk Road in Guangzhou.

这是一曲古丝绸之路上的友谊之歌。It is an ode to friendship along the ancient Silk Road.

汉代,合浦是海上丝绸之路的启航点。Han dynasty, is author of the Marine silk road sail points.

忽必烈时代不仅仅是只有“丝绸之路”。Kublai's kingdom was not only about the Silk Road over land.

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古丝绸之路曾将中国与世界连在一起。The Silk Road once connected China to the rest of the world.

丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前二世纪,当时一名官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接欧亚两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。The historyof the Silk Way could track back to 2 century BC.

在1271年,他们又一次通过“丝绸之路”来到中国。In 1271 they travell along the silk road to visit china again.

这些佛像伫立在把人们联结在一起的丝绸之路上。They were poised on the historic Silk Road that united people.

笔架山窑的瓷器,已经加入到海上丝绸之路的行列。The China from Bijia Mountain had joined the Maritime Silk Road.

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辫子,比基尼和安全帽,图片中那女的让我很是享受丝绸之路啊!Pigtails, bikini and hardhat. She's got me enjoying the silk road!

由陆海两条丝绸之路引进的植物种苗不计其数。Countless plant-species were introduced by land-and-sea-silk-roads.

它是欧洲和亚洲的连接点,是丝绸之路之终点。It's the conjunction of Europe and Asia, the end of the 'Silk Road'