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“留守儿童”。Left-behind Children.

他们就是,留守巴黎的人们They are who, the people that were left.

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有小孩的太太们应该留守家里吗?Should wives with children be housebound?

但是却有50名工作人员留守核电站。But there are 50 staff left-behind nuclear plants.

这里位于堪萨斯城,我们一整年都可以进行留守假期啦。^_^Here in Kansas City, we staycation all year round.

三个月之后,她将回到工作中去,而我会留守在家。After that, she'll go back to work and I'll stay home.

研究以有效样本为561名的留守儿童为被试。About 561 parent-absent children took part in the study.

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我全天也留守在「第廿六区左」看台,真的行热呢,救命哦!I stay at "zone 26 left" whole day, it's very hot, help! ! !

许多人都听到过所谓的留守儿童一词。Many of us have heard about the so-called left-behind children.

两年前的夏天,我们一家尝试了一次留守假期,取代以往的出外度假。Two summers ago, our family took a staycation instead of a vacation.

没想到的是,27日晚,留守济南的图科几乎被揍死。I did not expect that the evening of 27, staying in Jinan tuco almost Zousi.

作为一名留守儿童,龙张欢的生活困境在山江镇并不少见。Long`s hardship as a left-behind child is not uncommon in Shanjiang township.

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和2000年相比,2005年的农村留守儿童规模增长十分迅速。And 2000, 2005 compared the rural left-behind children scale growth like wildfire.

但是迄今为止,对留守初中生的研究尚处于空白阶段。So far , the study on the left-behind junior middle school students is still rare.

留守儿童问题本质上是家庭教育的缺失。The problem of left-behind children is essentially the absence of family education.

那些留守人员则需面对很差的工作条件、培训不足以及与孤独等挑战。Those who stayed face poor working conditions, insufficient training and isolation.

当奥马尔已不知去向是,他的坚定追随者还在顽固的留守着。While Mullah Omar may be long gone, his hardened followers are hell-bent on staying.

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结果表明,人口流动改变了农村留守妇女的家庭地位。We find population mobility has changed the status of left-home women in family life.

而完全可以退至西方的Kian,却选择了留守在他的伊朗。While Kian had the luxury of retreating westwards, he remained committed to his Iran.

外面城市里学校难进,孩子们只能和留守的亲人呆在村子里。A shortage of schools in cities leads many children to stay with relations in villages.