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中华民国总统是由民选产生。The president of R. O. C. are selected by all voters.

他说,伊拉克人民有了一部宪法,现在又有了一个民选政府。Iraqis have a constitution and now an elected government, he said.

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我是热爱自由的民主国家中的民选总统。I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy.

虽然他觉得自己是民选总统,但是我们不这么觉得。Although he thinks that he is the elected president, we do not think so.

阿富汗拥有民选总统和国民议会。Afghanistan has a democratically-elected President and National Assembly.

在697威尼斯人举办的威尼斯共和国作为下一个民选总督。In 697 the Venetians organized Venice as a republic under an elected doge.

县长,有些也是民选的了,许多先进的人物和有为的青年,被选出来当县长了。Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.

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而且任何其他民选总统对军队的影响力甚至更小。And any other elected president will have even less sway over the military.

他说,没有什么可谈判的,塞拉亚是民选总统,必须让他做完任期。Mr. Zelaya was elected president and he must be allowed to finish his term.

是否南投县议员也是由县民选出?有几人?Are Nantou County councilors also elected by the citizens? How many are there?

在我看来,这就类似于民选政府。It works very similar, it works just like an elected government, in my opinion.

你必须记得,大多数的超级代表是民选官员。"You have to remember that most superdelegates are elected officials," he explaine.d

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选举是在2000年举行,并肯利文斯通成为伦敦的第一位民选市长。Elections were held in 2000, and Ken Livingstone became London's first elected mayor.

“一个民选,民治和民享的政府。”---亚布拉罕•林肯总统“Government of the People, By the People, For the People” – President Abraham Lincoln

于是,是民选择了MSU,因为它的分子和细胞生物学很强。Accordingly, Shi-Ming chose MSU because of its strength in molecular and cell biology.

一个独立的司法系统不听命于民选官员的意志。An independent judiciary is one that is not subject to the whims of elected officials.

我还努力发展与我们盟国民选领导人的牢固的个人关系。I also worked to develop strong personal relationships with our allies’ elected leaders.

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是否赞成只由民选区议员参与互选?Do you agree that only elected District Council members should take part in the election?

换句话说,我就在被征税——隐性的,被美联储主席,非民选的。In otherwords, I am being taxed -- invisibly, by the chairman of the Fed, whom nobodyelected.

西半球34位民选领导人将出席这次为期三天的会议。The 34 democratically elected leaders in the Western Hemisphere will attend the three-day summit.