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中国大部分地区可观看到这个天象奇观。Most part of China can observe this wonderful event.

流星雨是最富浪漫色彩的天象奇观。Meteor shower is one of the most romantic spectacle Sky.

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在这里,参观的人可以通过一架130毫米的折射望远镜观看天象。Here visitors can watch the sky through a 130 mm. refracting telescope.

美国国家航空航天局表示,这种天象平均大约每18个月都会发生。According to NASA, this kind of thing happens on average about every 18 months.

我发现一些大的项目,你需要交易,每天象瓶和领巾。I have found some great deals on items that you need everyday, like bottles and bibs.

像这样,太阳中部被遮盖的天象,就叫做日环食。Such events, which only blot out the middle of the Sun, are known as annular eclipses.

他们的宗教高度受到对天象的详细观测的影响。Their religion was highly influenced and supported by careful observations of the sky.

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天体仪,古称“浑象”,是中国古代一种用于演示天象的仪器。The celestial globe was an instrument for demonstrating astronomic phenomena in ancient China.

“军气占”属于中国古代天象占中的气占,起源甚早。Junqi astrology, as part of qi divination in ancient Chinese astrology, has very early origins.

对那些熟悉夜晚星空的人来说,这一连串罕见的天象看起来十分奇怪。This rare sequence of events would have looked very strange to those familiar with the night sky.

因为地球有岁差数的问题,所以是按照1050BC的天象而定。Because Earth has a number of precession of the problem, is determined in accordance with Sky 1050BC.

近代的天文学家习惯于使用大型望远镜及其他一些复杂仪器来研究天象。Modern astronomers are accustomed to using large telescopes and other complex instruments to study the sky.

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现在天象带给你收复你的权力和追求的机会,比原计划要多的多。The sky now brings the chance to reclaim your own authority and pursue your own, much more important agenda.

古埃及最早的天文学家,就已经开始研究宇宙学了,他们观天象,研究星星的运动规律,以预测尼罗河流域来年的收成。They learned cosmology when they started tracking the movements of stars to predict the annual outcome of Nile.

“俯仰”是指古人仰观天象、俯察地理的原始视觉活动。"Fuyang" refers to the ancients looking up sky and looking down at the original vision of geographical activities.

曾经,天文学者和天象观测者把今天星图上的星座比作“仙后的宝座”。The constellation on today's chart used to be known among astronomers and skywatchers alike as 'Cassiopeia's Chair.

华洋双方都已到忍耐极限,眼见胜负当判,谁知“天象”忽然大变。Both parties had reached their limit, the outcome was coming within sight, but the "climate"changed all of a sudden.

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更要紧的是,这些天象大多半发生在的星盘里影响最大的角度上。Furthermore, most of the action takes place in the angles of your chart, where influences are most likely to affect you.

去事奉敬拜别神,或拜日头,或拜月亮,或拜天象,是主不曾吩咐的。and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky

拨开时间的层层迷雾,在很久以前的某天,人们注意到天象与季节的更迭有一定联系。Somewhere back there in the mists of time people noticed that changes in how the sky looked related to the turn of the seasons.