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采用动态刚度阵法计算船体总振动的固有频率。Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Method is applied to compute vibration of ship hull.

中国古代的军队在兵锋初利的殷代就开始使用阵法。China ancient army begins to use the tactical deployment of troops in Yin dynasty.

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所以现在他已经不能维持这个阵法的继续运转了。So he has yet canned not preserve this continuing of strategies to revolve immediately.

从这个意义上来说,决策树法不如策略距阵法有效。In this sense, the decision tree method is less effective than the strategic matrix method.

催动阵法的重量和武器本身的重量其中的差距是很大的。Urging the weight of the strategies and the weight margin in which of the weapon is very big.

“那究竟是什么样的?是某个古老的阵法么?”李茜忍不住问道。"What kind is that actually?Is a certain and ancient strategies?"Li Qian cannots help but asking a way.

“我是让你布置了一个阵法,可以让外面的人看不见我们。”雁南飞道。"I am to make you set out a strategies, can let outdoor of the person can't see us. "The wild goose south flies a path.

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基于车身曲面的离散点,文章利用稀疏阵法搜寻法来自动生成三角形曲面。Based on the discrete points on the surface of auto body, a sparse-matrix searching method is used to generate triangular meshes automatically.

有点像中国古老的阵法,别把它们和古代军队的战阵搞混了,那是完全不同的两码事。A little bit be like Chinese antique strategies, don't make the war of them and the ancient crews to mingle, those are altogether different two code matterses.

另外,本文还简单介绍了斜拉桥成桥后的索力调整的影响距阵法和拉索的自重垂度对索力的影响。Besides, the paper simply introduces the influence matrix method of the adjustment of cable forces after construction and the droops affections for cable forces.

令狐冲和蓝凤凰在密道内探查,在密道中间有一处阵法,破了阵法后便直接来到金顶山山底。Linghu chong and blue phoenix in tight within the tao probe, in the middle of a secret way in law, broken front method and direct to jinding at the bottom of the mountains.

对于关联系统给出了判断耦合程度的方法—相对增益法和逆乃奎斯特列阵法。For the interacted system, two methods are given in order to judge the coupling degree of the multivariable system, such as relative gain method and Inverse Nyquist Array method.

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基于传递拒阵法理论并利用计算机编程求出了系统的固有频率、主振型和系统响应。As a result, the natural frequency, vibration model and system response of the system are figured out with the help of the theory of the transfer matrix method and the computer program.

动态刚度阵法被广泛的应用于工程结构振动分析中,尤其是在需要获得更高阶频率和更高精度的振动问题时。The dynamic stiffness matrix method is a powerful means of solving vibration problems in structural engineering, particularly when higher natural frequencies and better accuracies are required.