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我早就知道你有一套绝招。I knew you could do the magic.

迄今为止,雅虎的绝招一直是其电邮服务。To date, the hook has been email.

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不要耍那些不怕死的绝招。Do not try any of those daredevil stunts.

感动人心的剧情才是皮克斯的绝招。Touching stories are masterstrokes of Pixar.

且看小伙有绝招,梧桐来了金凤凰。See small trick, the Indus to golden phoenix.

练拳莫练绝招式,此时无声胜有声。Do martial art training trick type, then silence speaks.

我真不知道该怎么样告诉他,我所做的那套绝招是个什么样子?i was not able to tell him that the magic had been done to me.

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但是在我年轻的时候,我有一个辨别男人年龄的绝招。But when I was young, there was a sure way of telling a man's age.

如何做好皮肤在这个自由的溜溜球视频与您的溜溜球沙鼠绝招。How to do the Skin The Gerbil trick with your Yo-Yo in this free yo-yo video.

只要你学会了有效使用色彩,它会成为你的设计绝招。Color can be your most powerful design element if you learn to use it effectively.

下周再回来看看,我这里还有葵花宝典的另五大绝招,此功练成,你在PPT设计界即可彪炳千秋!Check back next week for the next five awesome tips for better presentation design!

别失望,我有个绝招,在我的傻瓜DC上使用多年了。Don't despair. I've been using this trick for years with my point-and-shoot cameras.

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这局牌已对他不利,所以他决定使出绝招来击败对手。The card game had been going badly for him, so he decided to bring out his big guns.

帮助企业解决身份标识的问题,有什么绝招吗?Is there a “silver bullet” that can help to companies to solve identification problems?

这儿有很多很多帮助你省钱的绝招,这些我们已经在Lifehack网站上提到。Here are a whole bunch of ways you can save more money that we’ve discussed on Lifehack.

在快速对战或竞技对战中,以麦克雷的闪光弹中断一名敌人的绝招。Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with McCree's Flashbang in Quick or Competitive Play.

当你对自己的想法不够自信的时候,怀疑你的怀疑就是对付“怀疑”这种本能反应的绝招。This is a fascinating counter-intuitive case when lack of confidence in your own thoughts.

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但它的绝招是高级搜索。DailyRT's advanced search features, however, make this new service stand out from the crowd.

在节目中,阿穆隆也绝不小气地把自己的去黑头小绝招跟大家一块儿分享。In the program, nor shall mean amulung herself julep small trick to share with you all along.

我意识到对付欲望的绝招就是不满足它们,最后它们会自己灭亡的。I’ve learned that the way to treat cravings is to not feed them and eventually they will die.