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形而上的粘质是什么?What's the metaphysical glue?

把这阶段连接起来的,形而上粘质是什么呢?What's the metaphysical glue ? that glues these stages together?

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我不知道,哪个形而上的假设是正确的。I don't know which of these metaphysical hypothesis is the correct one.

人格同一性的形而上关键,在于有同一个灵魂。The metaphysical key to personal identity is having the very same soul.

说到这里所有围在周围的形而上学者们爆发出一阵笑声。At this all the assembled metaphysicians burst into a shout of laughter.

这一部分主要形而上角度解决身心合一的可能性问题。This is mostly about the possibility of the syncretism of body and mind.

你可能会担心这些形而上的,部件对汽车来说有什么作用。Then you might worry about what's the relevant metaphysical glue for cars.

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想像一下某个形而上学者说,“等等,伙计,别急。Now imagine some metaphysician saying "Wait a minute, buster, not so quick.

在形而上的意义上以及所谓的“新时代”中,很多人都是江湖骗子。Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'.

人文精神既是一种形而上的追求,也是形而下的思考。Human spirit is both a metaphysical pursuit, but also a physical reflection.

关键在于,要保持同一个东西,形而上的粘质是什么。That's what the key, the metaphysical glue is, being the same hunk of stuff.

戴望舒诗歌中的忧郁具有浓厚的形而上色彩。The gloomy atmosphere of Dai Wangshu's poetry has a strong metaphysical sense.

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虽然这些形而上学者们表现得很含蓄,但是我还是无法认同他们。Although these metaphysicians showed much subtlety, I could not agree with them.

你可以有许多名字,我喜欢用身份形而上这个词。While there are lots of names you can have I favor the name Identity Metaphysics.

我的探索带我穿过形而下、形而上,以及错觉妄想,最后回到了原点。My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back.

但实际上,“情感本体”明显地具有形而上和形而下两个层面的指向。But in fact, "emotional noumenon" obviously has two points of metaphysics and physics.

“道”是融宇宙本体和人生之道为一体的形而上的抽象理念。"Dao", an abstract conception, refers to the combination of the universe and the life.

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可以夸大为源自形而上的艺术理想,亦或只是简单的形而下的生活经验。One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal, or a mundane and profane experience.

是什么形而上粘质,成为一个贯穿时间的人的基础?What's the metaphysical glue that underlies ? being a single extended-through-time person?

后来这些写作变得更为世俗,更适合我们现代的品味——形象具体而不抽象形而上。These later, more worldly writings better suit our modern taste—more concrete, less high-flown.