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华丽的腕表系列!Gorgeous watch collection!

华丽的拖地礼服。Gorgeous floor-length gown.

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不希罕华丽的大厦。Not rare magnificent building.

一个很大的华丽的展览厅。A large ornate exhibition hall.

他的房子装饰得很华丽。His house was lavishly adorned.

那边那座华丽的大厅堂是什么?。What is the glorious hall there?

幸福,华丽却又悲伤德字眼。Happiness, gorgeous but sad words.

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那女人打扮得十分华丽。The woman dresses up to the nines.

那时的我们,在一场华丽的舞曲中沉醉。We were, in a gorgeous dance drunk.

房间华丽但家庭破裂的时代。Of fancier houses, but broken homes.

她穿著她最华丽的服饰。She's rigged out in her best finery.

她们打扮得华丽耀眼。They dressed out in their splendour.

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堂堂的,华丽的,极好的。They've designed us a superb studio.

杰克的房子装饰得十分华丽。Jack's house was gorgeously embossed.

这一章多为冗长的华丽词藻。The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.

生命是一场华丽的礼葬。Life is a sumptuous funeral and burial.

泰华-如你所见,这非常华丽。Taehwa-As you can see, it's flamboyant.

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而且野鸡从华丽的房梁上飞。And pheasants flew ceiling beams ornate.

你喜欢华丽的巴洛克式建筑吗?。Do you like florid baroque architecture?

习惯化是厌倦这个词的一种华丽表达Habituation is a fancy word for boredom.