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来宾可以看样定货。Visitors can trade on samples.

希望如此,如果现在定货,什么时候交货。I hope so. If I order now , when deliver?

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艾克明的定货吗?我今天早上寄出去了。The Acme order?I mailed it out this morning.

我方保存着这种特殊定货的一份样品。We keep a reference sample of such special orders.

但是,我们也提供互联网电话定货服务。However, we do also offer a phone me option on-line.

为了不失掉这项定货,他们降低了价格。They lowered their prices so as not to lose the order.

我们保证按时装运你方所定货物。We guarantee punctual shipment of the goods you ordered.

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这些鼓励了交易访问者并促进了客户再次定货。This encourages visitor traffic and promotes client reorders.

请放心,我方将准时运交订单定货。Please be assured that the order will be punctually fulfilled.

如果是大宗定货,你方是否能增加佣金率?。Will you increase the commission rate in case of large orders?

他说,为了少量的定货办这么大的工厂不上算。He said it didn't pay to run such a big plant for a few orders.

如果定货量较大的话,我公司可以适当让利。If you order in large quantity I think a discount would be po ible.

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具有三年以上从事宁波当地海运出口指定货操作的工作经验。At least 3 years experiences of ocean export routing order shipment.

若不能立即送货,我们将取消定货。Either the delivery is immediate, or we’ll have to cancel the order.

如果定货量较大的话,我公司可以适当让利。If you order in large quantity I think a discount would be possible.

就只为了逐年增加的定货量,我们得放弃原来连续五年采购的保证?!We'd be giving up the five year guarantee for increased yearly sales.

贵公司有没有相应方法检定货量有没有不足或过量?Does the factory have procedures for detecting shortages and overages ?

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如输送具有腐蚀性,含纤维的介质,需定货时加以注明。Such as transport corrosive medium, including fiber, should be indicated in.

提供客户化的定货清单,重申你的支付方式和答复政策。Providing a customized invoice that reiterates your payment and return policies.

一种特定的IBM产品中的部件,可由顾客公开单独定货。A particular part of an IBM product that is orderable separately by the customer.