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这种病症难以确诊。The case defies diagnosis.

过多的摄入糖分会导致神经病症。Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms.

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这些病症与虫媒病毒暴发相一致。These signs are consistent with an arbovirus outbreak.

在大理石材料产生的众多病症中,锈斑是最为常见的。Rust spot is the most common in all symptoms of marble.

这种病症可能具有器质性或心理学起因。This condition may be of organic or psychologic origin.

在近50万儿童中,1680名患有这一病症。Of over half a million children, 3,680 had the disorder.

容忍是和高傲狂害着相思的一种病症。Tolerance is love sick with the sickness of haughtiness.

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如果加上其他病症时机合适的周期。Where ADD and other timing pathologies fit in the cycle.

开角型青光眼是常见的一种青光眼病症。Chronic Open-angle glaucoma is a common form of glaucoma.

该病症符合X-连锁隐性遗传。It is compatible with the X-linked recessive inheritance.

后天性抑郁症的病症是什么!Posteriority is depressed what is the disease of disease!

这位医生治愈了许多疑难病症。The doctor has cured many difficult and complicated cases.

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癫痫是世界上最早得到认识的病症之一。Epilepsy is one of the world's oldest recognized conditions.

一个人生病了,就会有病症。When ill-being takes control of the person, symptoms appear.

是临床上常见的病症,发病广泛,男女老幼皆可罹患。The person of all ages and both gender may have that symptom.

女性颜面部黄褐斑是妇科临床常见病症。Female's Chloasma Faciei is frequent manifestation in clinica1.

因此,你能叫你的医生只诊治你肉体上的病症吗?Would you, therefore, that your physician heal the bodily evil?

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该病症称为麦地那龙线虫病。The condition is known as dracunculiasis or guinea-worm disease.

缺乏注意力集中是自闭综合症早期最早的病症之一。A lack of joint attention is one of the earliest signs of autism.

它也可能是其它病症的迹象,比如糖尿病或艾滋病。It can also be a sign of other diseases such as diabetes or Aids.